Final Award in Quick Composing TT-131 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-131

Cyclic shift of guards | Циклическое чередование контролируемых полей

Theme | Тема

23 entries were received from 8 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 23 композиции от 8 авторов из 6 стран

EN <-> RU

The concept of changed blocks became very popular in chess composition as a convenient and explicit way to design relations between sets of pieces. Contrary to blocks, observations - including guards of K flights - require a deeper ("secondary") analysis by nature as they involve the pieces' forces represented by invisible lines rather than their eye-catching masses. This substantial difference may serve as an explanation for the experience of a widespread tendency to overlook, underestimate or mistrust shifted guards even when presented in extended cyclic fashion. The invitation to suggest a new tournament theme was a welcome occasion to address that maladjustment, and I did not hesitate to launch a sincere attempt to improve aesthesia in that respect. Thanks to the SuperProblem project team for providing that opportunity and to the participants for having contributed to a valuable input including some major achievements, especially when it comes to Letztform presentations! Maybe the time frame was too tight (and/or my definition too sketchy?) to unearth others - like the (most probably) first embodiment utilizing variants of a direct mate problem - but it does not seem overconfident at all to predict that the last word has not yet been spoken.

I am aware that any award must be subjective by nature, but for once I feel the need to put my judgement into perspective, as I am afraid that I could not stay unaffected by the following two considerations in spite of them clearly being matters of personal taste. Whereas the outcome confirmed that it does not hurt to allow additional non-thematic guards for thematic pieces, it became obvious that I struggle with problems not showing model (stale)mates (or in other words: pure guards) in this context, at least when it comes to cooperative play. I had to look outside the tournament to find examples hot enough to light my fire (see yacpdb/90944 & yacpdb/383283). My apologies that I missed to warn you before, but I did not foresee this in its rigorousness! Feel free to benefit from the formal character of the tourney and find an audience that shares your personal gospel.

Almost all contributed problems (21 out of 23) are helpmates. None of the others made it into the award. Let me provide some details below without spoiling too much (K positions in parentheses):
- No 2 (Kh8-Ke5). Only one of the three mates is model - watch d6 in Sc4# and f4 in Bd6#!
- No 4 (Kc4-Ka5). The arrangement of stipulation and phases proved unique in the tournament, but the idea loses momentum with pseudoidentical mates and the fairy pieces have an unpleasant technical appeal;
- No 5 (Kg1-Ke6). The twinning replaces a thematic piece, but still the b) mate is not pure (Pf6!);
- No 7 (Kh1-Kd5). Move Pf2 to g3, shift position one row downwards, put the wK on b8 and remove Pf4 for the perfect realization of a nice problem;
- No 13 (Ka8-Kd5). With Pb5 destroying the model mate in Be4# the problem looks unfinished to me;
- No 15 (Kg8-Kd4). It is a pity that the highly original setting does not provide a model mate in b) (watch e3);
- No 17 (Kg2-Kc4). Three line pieces change their roles covering all the rows of a mirror model mate, kicking in the front door to form the full cycle I barely dared to dream of when I launched the theme. This wonderful problem would have shared the 1st Prize, but to my surprise the crown jewel among the tournament's treasures is fully anticipated by the masterpiece shown in yacpdb/383284! Please compare to the fairy variation recently published in Die Schwalbe 2/2015 (yacpdb/383285), too;
- No 18 (Kd7-Kb5). Evidence exists that this great idea can be done with 1 fairy + 8 orthodox pieces and pure stalemate positions;
- No 19 (Kh7-Kd4). With wPc5 instead of bPc3 and b) c4->b2 the only tourney example involving a set of four thematic pieces would already be equipped with model mates;
- No 23 (Kg2-Ke6). If the 1st black moves would be as homogeneous as the 2nd ones (compare to yacpdb/383286), the little brother of No 17 would have gained some sweets.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 21
Illo Krampis
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
h#2b) Sb7->f5; c) Qf3->d5(4+3)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 9
D. Müller & F. Pachl
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015

a3, g8: Grasshopper
c8, g7: Nightrider
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 6
Dieter Müller
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 21, Illo Krampis (Latvia)

a) diagram: 1.Sc5 Rg5 2.Sd3 Rc4#
b) Sb7->f5: 1.Qf4 Rc5 2.Sd4 d3#
c) Qf3->d5: 1.Sd6 d4 2.Sf5 Rg4#
Rc3 Rg3 Pd2
a e4(/d4/f4) e5(/d5/f5) e3
b e5(/d5/f5) e3(/d3/f3) e4
c e3(/d3/f3) e4(/d4/f4) e5
The q/s epaulettes complementing the rows attacked by the pawn deliver convincing evidence for the beauty of an unbalanced square count as previously conceived in a much more bumpy setting (see yacpdb/351041). The demand for an unambiguous role assignment is satisfied on the fly, keeping the material on an unbelievably low miniature level.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 9, Dieter Müller & Franz Pachl (Germany)

I) 1...Na7 2.Be4 (B) Ne3 3.Rd3 (A) Gg1#
II) 1...Nb6 2.Rd3 (A) Ge3 3.Be4 (B) Gd8#
Ga3 Nc8 Ng7
I c5/e3 c3/e5 c4/d5
II c3/e5 c4/d5 c5/e3
With both the reversed order of black moves and a subtle separation of thematically independent mating moves perfectly integrated into a pattern of apparently disparate flight pairs a non-standard mating net based on the famous couple of Dawson's classical fairy pieces G + N induces the tourney's best "standard" (=2x3) presentation. Pc5 is the only member of an inconspicuous set of cookstoppers justifying a (very) gentle lament.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 6, Dieter Müller (Germany)

I) 1.Be7 c6 2.f6 c5 3.Rf7 Sc7#
II) 1.Rh8 Sb6 2.Re8 Sd7 3.Re7 Sf8#
Sc4 Pb3 Pb4
I c6(/d5) c4 c5
II c4(/d5) c5 c6
Concentrating on the contrast of activities - all thematic pieces move in the first solution and only one per team in the second - this time the alliance of cycles even gets along without any additional piece.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 3
Dieter Müller
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
Special Prize - No 16
Illo Krampis
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
h#2zero (see text)

a2,c4,e1,f2: Grasshopper
1st-2nd Hon. mention - No 8
Dieter Müller
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015

4th Prize - No 3, Dieter Müller (Germany)

I) 1.Re6 Sa5 2.Be5 Sc6 3.Rd6 Se7#
II) 1.Re4 b5 2.Qe5 b4 3.Rd4 Sb6#
Sa8 Pc4 Pc5
I d5(/e6) d6 d7
II d7(/e6) d5 d6
The split into two separate Platzwechsels is a welcome enrichment to the cyclic shift of blocks previously explored (e.g. in the announcement's first example). The ideal mates suggest a Letztform here, with nothing but an additional P guard preventing the minimal piece count.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 16, Illo Krampis (Latvia)

a) Ga2->h4: 1.Ra1-d1 Ge1-c1 2.Gh4-f6 Gf2-f7#
b) +bSf7: 1.Sf7-e5 Ge1-e6 2.Se5-d3 Gc4-e2#
c) +bPd6: 1.d6-d5 Gc4-e6 2.d5-d4 Gf2-c5#
d) +bLa3: 1.Ba3-c5 + Gf2-b6 2.Bc5-e7 Ge1-e8#
e) Ra1->a2: 1.Ra2-e2 Gf2-d2 2.Re2-e6 Gc4-f7#
f) = e)+bSd2: 1.Ra2-c2 Gc4-c1 2.Sd2-e4 Ge1-e5#
Gc4 Ge1 Gf2
a h4 h6 h5
b h5 h6 h4
c h6 h4 h5
d h4 h5 h6
e h5 h4 h6
f h6 h5 h4
The borderline twinning requires a special treatment, but cannot challenge a theoretical achievement of historical dimensions. The full cycle (compare to yacpdb/383288) is already covered by a), f) and e). The additional twins add all the missing variations to complete the full set of permutations.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 8, Dieter Müller (Germany)

I) 1.Qc5 c4 (Sab6?) 2.Qe3 c3 (Sd7?) 3.Qf3 Sc5#
II) 1.Rg8 Sab6 (c4?) 2.Rg3 Sd7 (c3?) 3.Rf3 S7f6#
Sa4 Pc2 Pc3
I d3(/e4) d4 d5
II d5(/e4) d3 d4
The third installment of a well-tried gear (see 3rd-4th Prize) combines the double pawn flanked by the S with a simple, but effective block change driven by the need to unguard the mating square. This mechanism requires a little more material as it leaves one black piece per solution fixed on its remote diagram location and fails to assign a guarding task to the wK, who nevertheless is used quite well to avoid duals. Note that it is possible to deploy another bR instead of bQ (6r1/8/8/2r1S1p1/1S3kP1/1K1P4/3P4/8) as demonstrated in the 4th Commendation, but the benefit would be debatable here.
EN <-> RU
1st-2nd Hon. mention - No 12
D. Müller & F. Pachl
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
3rd Hon. mention - No 1
Rodolfo Riva
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
4th Hon. mention - No 10
D. Müller & F. Pachl
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
h#2b) +bBe3

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 12, Dieter Müller & Franz Pachl (Germany)

I) 1.Sxa2[+wRc1] Sh5 2.gh5 [+wSg6] Rc6#
II) 1.Rxb6[+wSa6] Rc2 2.Sxc2[+wRe3] Re6#
Ra2 Sb6 Sf6
I c5/c7(/c6/d6/e6) d5/d7 e5/e7
II e5/e7(/c6/d6/e6) c5/c7 d5/d7
Enabling parties to move the opponent's pieces, the Platzwechsel Circe condition is a perfect tool to speed up the thematic shifts, and it is no surprise that among all fairy elements this one was favored by competitors with a total of 4 applications. I suggest that the result still did not live up to its full potential, but this very economic (if slightly mechanical) realization of a specific echo model mate is already getting far.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 1, Rodolfo Riva (Italy)

*1...b5 2.Qe4 Sb6#
1.Qa1 Sd2 2.Qd4 Se7#
Sb3 Sc8 Pb4
* c5(/d4) c4(/d5) c6
I c4(/e4) c6(/d5) c5
Of the two helpmates using set play to incorporate two ideal mates (compare to 1st Commendation) this one exhibits the more interesting manoeuvres. Even if you might deem the author's label 'bicolour anti-Argüelles' a little magniloquent, it is fun to see how the bQ must cope with Pb4 in order to block the square left over from the pair guarded by Sb3 in the other phase, spotlighting both the lower edge of the board and the line a7-f7.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 10, Dieter Müller & Franz Pachl (Germany)

a) 1.Rxf2[+wPc2] Sg5 2.Rxf5[+wBf2] c4#
b) 1.exf2[+wPe3] Bxf2[+sPg3] 2.Ba2 e4#
Bf5 Bg3 Sf7
a c5/d4 d6/e5 e4/e6
b e4/e6 c5/d4 d6/e5
The bR transfers Bf5 to f2 for a reason, whereas the bP is (passively) transferred to g3 'by chance'. So it is not the 'cyclic shift of pieces' (which is rather cheap in Platzwechsel Circe, by the way) but the clean shift of three flight pairs and the cute tempo move that advocates the problem's inclusion into the award.
Обмен местами черной ладьи на f2 и белого слона f5 мотивирован, в то время как пассивный обмен местами на g3 и f2 «случаен». Поэтому здесь не «циклический контроль фигур» (который довольно прост в Platzwechsel Circe, между прочим), но чистый контроль трех пар полей и привлекательный темпоход, который оправдывает включение задачи в присуждение.
EN <-> RU
5th Honorable mention - No 20
Rodolfo Riva
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015

a8, h7: Vao
a4: Pao
1st Commendation - No 22
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
2nd Commendation - No 11
D. Müller & F. Pachl
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015

5th Honorable mention - No 20, Rodolfo Riva (Italy)

I) 1.PAe4 Sg7 2.Rd6 Sg4# (1...g4? 2.Re6 Sd3?? 3.VAxd3!)
II) 1.VAe4 g4 2.Re6 Sd3# (1...Sg7? 2.Rd6 Sg4?? 3.PAxg4!)
Se8 Sf2 Pg3
I f6(/d6) f4(/e5) f5
II f5(/e6) f6(/e5) f4
This Grimshaw-like dual avoidance scenario was the hardest entry to judge, as technical considerations (determination of move order) seem to be the main impetus for the use of fairy pieces (PA+VA) instead of R+B. However, I failed to get by with orthodox force without sacrificing significant content [1q6/2S5/8/8/spk5/8/P1r1P2K/3S4], so the benefit of the doubt applies.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 22, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain)

*1...a3 2.Sb6 Bb4#
1.Sb6 a4 2.Sc4 Sb7#
Ba5 Sd6 Pa2
* c5/d6 b5(/c4) b4
I b4(/b6) c5/d6 b5
Two different pieces (B+S) being partially unburdened by the blocking piece make for an interesting alternative compared to 3rd HM. The full use of the pawn double step adds to a well-rounded result. The good overall impression is weakened only by the repetition of the initial black move, most likely evoked by the choice of the blocking piece's type.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 11, Dieter Müller & Franz Pachl (Germany)

I) 1.Ra6 Sd6! 2.Rxa8[+wSa6] Sb4#
II) 1.Rc6 Sb6! 2.Rxc5[+wBc6] Be4#
Bc5 Sa8 Sf5
I d4/e3 c2/d3 c4/e4
II c2/d3/e4 c4 d4/e3
In a narrow format like this (and with the acting rook destroying the ideal mates!) the Platzwechsel Circe trick comes across as a little too blatant. A second specific mate certainly would have soothed the misgivings.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 14
Dieter Müller
TT-131, SuperProblem, 24-03-2015
h#2b) Pe5->e3(4+8)

3rd Commendation - No 14, Dieter Müller (Germany)

a) 1.Rfc1! (Rbc1?) Bb4 2.R(f)c5 Be1 3.R(f)d5 Bf2#
b) 1.Rbc1! (Rfc1?) b4 2.R(b)c5 b3 3.R(b)d5 Bb2#
Ba3 Pb2 Pb3
a c5(/d4/e3) c3 c4
b c3(/d4/e5) c4 c5
With similar pieces blocking on the same square the overlapping routes may as well be regarded as a plus, but there should be no dissent about the requirement of additional pawns and a twin. However, this variation of the idea also shown in No 8 (1st-2nd HM) deserves to be remembered.
EN <-> RU

Look outside the box | Дополнительные задачи вне конкурса

S. Trommler & F. Pachl
"Pat a Mat", 2014
h#2b) Pd6->c2 c) Gb1->b2

b6,b1,b2,f6: Grasshopper
Michal Dragoun
1st HM, TT Problem-Echo, 2004

Sven Trommler & Franz Pachl (Germany) - "Pat a Mat", 2014

a) 1.Rg1 Gh1 2.Bb4 Gxc6#
b) 1.Rf2 Gg2 2.Gb4 Gd3#
c) 1.Rf4 Gf3 2.b4 Ga2#
Gb1(2) Gd2 Gf6
a b7 a5 a6
b a6 b7 b6
c b5 a6 b7
An almost thematic cycle, but one of the flights is moving (a5->b6->b5).
EN <-> RU

Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic) - 1st HM, TT Problem-Echo, 2004

I) 1.Sxf5+ Be7 2.Sxg7 Qh1#
II) 1.Sxg6+ Re7 2.Sxf8 Bf3#
Qh6 Bg4 Bf8 Rg7
I b7/c6/d5 d7 d6 X
II d6 b7/c6/d5 X d7
Another almost thematic cycle involving 4 pieces for only 3 sets of flights with a Zilahi-like capture of the piece that is not used for guarding (as indicated by the X).
EN <-> RU
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Sections | Разделы

all genres | все жанры

Participants | Участники

Krampis I. – No 15, 16, 17, 21
Martin L. M. – No 22, 23
Müller D. – No 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9*, 10*, 11*, 12*, 13*, 14
Pachl F. – No 9*, 10*, 11*, 12*, 13*
Riva R. – No 1, 20
Ruppin R. – No 18
Tar G. – No 2
Witztum M. – No 19

The Winner Is | Победитель

Illo Krampis
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Manfred Rittirsch

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan