Award in SuperProblem - 2018 Informal Tourney | Fairies

Итоги годового конкурса SuperProblem - 2018 | Сказочные задачи

Published: January 03, 2019
Опубликовано: 03 января 2019

63 problems were published in the SuperProblem Informal-Tournament. Below were 21 miniatures, which I judged separately.

To deal with the problems gave me a lot of joy, there were absolute top problems and also smaller ones, just mixed as it should be. It should be known, that I attach great importance to harmony between the solutions and analogous play. Furthermore, cycle problems are very appealing to me. If this is succeeded in an acceptable construction and a reasonably original idea is presented, a front placement is guaranteed. I hope very much that I will do justice to the authors with my judgment. If not, have mercy on me. Nobody should forget that an award requires a lot of time and attention and you do not get any money for it.

Before I come to my ranking, a few comments on problems that did not make it into the award:

G140 Stepochkin: Without the bGa1, which disturbs the fairy piece economy, a commendation would have been possible, for example see Appendix, A.
G146 Tominic: Shows the theme of the 184th TT of Super Problem in triplicate. Weaknesses are the bCamel and the bPao, they only prevent cooks. The solutions are not completely analogous. Pity about the problem.
G156 Zheglov: Still five Echoes, but too many repetitions, especially in IV) and V).
G161 Stun: These six echoes are too stereo-typical, the solutions seem a bit boring.
G169 Novomesky: For the triple chameleon-echo with a wP and two pieces of the Lion-family, there is something similar from the author (see Appendix, B).
G179 Nefyodov: Dual mates in the HS# are not a new idea, the problem does not offer much anyway.
G192 Kochulov: Unfortunately, there are uninvolved officers in both mating positions. Two white in the first and one black in the second one. Furthermore in the second solution there is no equivalent to 3.nTxe1 [+nTh8]? in the 1st solution.
G195 Stephenson: Dual avoiding single and double step of the bP. Unfortunately, Black no longer has any defence on the threatening mate.
G198 Smotrov: Symmetry is too intrusive in this series-helpmate.

Here is my ranking. I have decided to split the top price in Main Subsection. A second prize would not do justice to any of these two outstanding problems.

Subsection "Miniatures" | Подраздел "Миниатюры"

Prize - G159
Jaroslav Štúň
SuperProblem, 16-05-2018
ser-h#112 sol.
Madrasi + PWC

b7, c6: Locust (L)
1st Honourable Mention - G162
Dieter Müller
SuperProblem, 17-05-2018
hs#63 sol
Parrain Circe

e5: Locust (L)
2nd Honourable Mention - G160
Jaroslav Štúň
SuperProblem, 16-05-2018
Einstein Chess+ PWC

Prize - G159 Jaroslav Štúň (Slovakia)
1.Kxc7[+wSb6] 2.Kxb7[+wLc7] 3.Ka6 4.Kb5 5.Kxb6[+wSb5] 6.Kc5 7.Lxb5-a4[+wSc6] 8.Kxc6[+wSc5] 9.Kxc7[+wLc6] 10.Kd6 11.Kd5 Sd7#
1.Kxb7[+wLb6] 2.Kc8 3.Kd7 4.Kd6 5.Kc5 6.Kxb6[+wLc5] 7.Kb7 8.Kxc7[+wSb7] 9.Lxb7-a8[+wSc6] 10.Kxc6[+wSc7] 11.Kxc5[+wLc6] Sd5#

A enchanting problem with five men and roundtrip of the bK in both solutions. PWC and Madrasi come into their own in the consistently exciting solutions with dual-avoiding mating-moves. A little gemstone.

1st Honourable Mention - G162 Dieter Müller (Germany)
1.Ke2 Lxe4-e3+ 2.Kf1[+wPf3] Lxf3-g3 3.Rc4[+wPe3] Lxe3-d3 4.Bd4[+wPc1] Lxc4-b5 5.Bb2[+wRa2] Lxb2-b1 6.Rf2[+wBg2] Lxc1-d1#
1.Rd6 Lxd6-c7 2.Ke2[+wRc5] Lxc5-c4+ 3.Kd1[+wRb4] Lxb4-a4 4.Bh8[+wRd6] Lxe4-f4 5.Bf6[+wPc2] Lxf6-f7 6.Rd2[+wBf2] Lxf2-f1#
1.Bd8 Lxd4-c3+ 2.Kg4[+wRe5] Lxe5-f6 3.Kh3[+wRf4] Lxf4-f3 4.Bc7[+wRe3] Lxe4-d5 5.Be5[+wPg2] Lxe5-f5 6.Rg3[+wBg5] Lxg5-h5#

An HS#6 with three Echoes and no repetitions (for me, 1.Ke2 and 1.Ke2 [+ wRc5] are different), that's remarkable. The black locust shifts the white pieces to the block until forced to mate the white king. If the locust had captured all three white pieces on the mating move, a prize would have been possible.

2nd Honourable Mention - G160 Jaroslav Štúň (Slovakia)
1.fxg2=S[+wPf3] f4 2.Sxf4=B[+wPg2] g3 3.Kg1 gxf4=S[+bBg3] 4.Bf2=S Sg2=P 5.Kxg2[+wPg1] g1xf2=S[+bSg1] 6.Sh3=P Sh1=P+ 7.Kxh1[+wPg2] gxh3=S[+bPg2] 8.g1 Sxg1=B[+bPh3] 9.h2 Bxh2=R[+bPg1]#

It takes until the 7th move before the bP comes after many changes of place and transformations to h3. Only then can the mate final be started with a black blocking pawn on g1. Quite rich for a three-man problem.

3rd Honourable Mention - G155
Viktor Zheglov
SuperProblem, 10-04-2018
hs#94 sol.
Functionary Chess
Commendation - G149
Anatoly Stepochkin
SuperProblem, 16-02-2018
h#3b) wRe1->g4
c)Kg2->g6; d)Ba2->a6
Commendation - G193
Marko Klasinc
SuperProblem, 27-09-2018
h#5b) nPd5->g5

b5, f5: Grasshopper (G)

3rd Honourable Mention - G155 Viktor Zheglov (Russia)
I) 1.Kc7 Rb6 2.Rg3+ Kf2 3.Rg2+ Ke2 4.Kb8 Kd3 5.Rd7+ Kc4 6.Ka8 Rg7 7.Rg4+ Kb5 8.Rb4+ Ka6 9.Ra7+ Rxa7#
II) 1.Ke7 Ra6! 2.Ra3 Ra7 3.Ra2+ Kg3 4.Rg2+ Kg4 5.Kf7 Kg5 6.Kg8 Rg7+ 7.Kh8 Kh6 8.Rg4 Rg6 9.Rh7+ Rxh7#
III) 1.Ke5 Rh5+ 2.Kf4 Rg5 3.Rh2+ Kf1 4.Rd2! Rg8 5.Rg7 Rh4 6.Kg3 Rg4+ 7.Kh2 Rg2+ 8.Kh1 Rf2 9.Rg1+ Rxg1#
IV) 1.Kc5 Rc6+ 2.Kc4 Re7! 3.Rh2+ Kf2 4.Kc3 Ke2 5.Kb2 Kd2 6.Rb6 Rc2+ 7.Ka1 Kc1 8.Re2 Rb7 9.Rb1+ Rxb1#

Four echoes in HS#9 in all four corners (I and II as well as III and IV mirrored, I and III as well as II and IV rotated by 90°). Since kings in functionary chess can only move on observation, checks are often inevitable, if only rooks are on the board. That the wK is in check is probably unavoidable here. Let's hope that the problem remains sound, because in this number of moves testing programs are overwhelmed. In the PDB there was a problem showing a fourcorner echo with only three pieces, but with fairy piece and twinning (see Appendix, C).

Commendation - G149 Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
a) diagram: 1.f1S Kf2 2.Sd2 Ke3 3.Ke4+ Kd4#
b) Re1->g4: 1.f1B Kf3 2.Bh3 Ke4+ 3.Kd4 Ke5#
c) Kg2->g6: 1.f1R Re2 2.Rf7 Kf6 3.Re7 Re6#
d) Ba2->a6: 1.f1Q Re6 2.Qf2 Kf3 3.Qc5 Ke4#

Well-founded AUW with lively solutions. A Köko-Helpmate of the better kind.

Commendation - G193 Marko Klasinc (Slovenia)
a) diagram: 1.Sxd5[+nPd2] nGc8 2.nPd1=nQ+ nQa4 3.Sb6 nGe6 4.Kc8 nQa6+ 5.Gb7+ nGxa6[+nQd8]#
b) nPd5->g5: 1.nGc8 nGe6 2.Gh5 nPg6 3.Gf7 nPg7 4.Ke8 nPg8=nQ+ 5.nQg6 nGxg6[+nQd8]#

The commendation is for the beautiful Circe-Mates with double check.

Main subsection | Основной подраздел

1st-2nd Prize - G141
Michal Dragoun
SuperProblem, 08-01-2018

a7, a4, a3, h7: Leo (LE)
1st-2nd Prize - G158
Borislav Gadjanski
SuperProblem, 16-04-2018
hs#42 sol.

a7, a8: Leo (LE)
f4: Pao (PA); e1: Nao (NA)
h2, d6: Vao (VA)
h1, h7, b7: Hurdle
colour changing Leo
3rd Prize - G192
Lev Grolman
SuperProblem, 20-09-2018
Take & Make Chess

e8, a1, h6, a3: Lion (LI)
c7, a8, b2,
e7, d7: Nightrider (N)

1st-2nd Prize - G141 Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
1.LExa4 Se5 2.LEd4 Seg6#
1.LExh7 Sd5 2.LEf5 S5b4#
1.Ra1 LExa7 2.Ba2 LEc2#
1.Sf1 LEb5 2.Bh2 LEh4#
1.f2 LEc2+ 2.Kf3 LEf5#
1.e2 LEh4+ 2.Ke3 LEb3#

Everything is just right here. Perfect harmony between all three pairs of solutions, good construction and in every solution there is a antibattery-mate by a Leo with a wS as a hurdle. Each pair would be good enough to be published separately. A masterful 3x2 TFHelpmate at its best.

1st-2nd Prize - G158 Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
1.hccLEb7-g7 LEf7 2.hccLExf7[g7=b]! Ka7 3.Sa3 VAxb4! (VAd6~?) 4.hccLEhb7+ hccLExb7[f7=b]#
1.hccLEb7-g2 LEf3 2.hccLExf3[g2=b]! Ka8 3.Sa2 PAxb4!
(PAf4~?) 4.hccLE7b7+ hccLExb7[f3=b]#

The solutions can be described as follows: orthogonal Bristol move of wLEb7 to g7, simultaneously hurdle for the wLEh7, the bLEa7 follows the wLE and moves to f7, the wLEh7 captures the bLEf7 and colours the wLEg7 black. The bK moves to the square left by the bLE, a wS opens a diagonal anti-battery line and at the same time blocks a square. At the end of the helpplay, the bVA opens the diagonal h2-b8 for the wVA and hides on b4, so that he cannot move to the 7th rank. The selfmate is done by recoloring the wLEf7. The exact same strategy with exactly the same motifs is seen in the second solution, except that the orthogonal features are diagonal and the diagonal orthogonal ones. A monumental, profound work that leaves nothing to be desired. Note that all fairy pieces belong to the Chinese family.

3rd Prize - G192 Lev Grolman (Russia)
1.LIc3 nNa1+ (A) 2.Nce3 nLIxe3-d1# (B)
1.b5 nLIxa8-c4+ (B) 2.Qf4 nNxf4-f6# (C)
1.LIg6 nNe8+ (C) 2.Qf6 nLIxf6-d4# (D)
1.g5 nLIxh8-g8+ (D) 2.Qg6 nNxg6-h6# (E)
1.c5 nNc6+ (E) 2.LIe5 nNxe5-e3# (A)

In all five solutions, there is a neutral double checkmate by capturing a black piece from the battery line of a neutral piece. I was quite impressed how the squares around the black king are guarded by the neutrals with the greatest of ease. Although the first black moves are motivated differently, nevertheless this fivefold cyclic interchange of function of the neutral pieces is a great achievement.

4th Prize - G189
Ladislav Salai & Michal Dragoun
SuperProblem, 23-08-2018

g3, f5, f3: Bishop-Lion (BL)
g2, c3: Rook-Lion (RL)
b4, h7, b8, a2: Lion (LI)
5th Prize - G145
Hubert Gockel
SuperProblem, 21-01-2018
6th Prize - G196
Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 22-11-2018

4th Prize - G189 Ladislav Salai (Slovakia) & Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
1.BLb7 LIb6 2.LIxd2 hxg5#
1.Qa6 LIaa7 2.LIxh4 d7#
1.BLd7 LIha7 2.LIxd6 dxc3#

There are three white batteries each controlled by two black pieces, with the bLIb4 targeting all three batteries. To guard the square g1, a white Lion must be placed on the diagonal a7-g1 by providing a black defender as a hurdle. The bLIb4 then moves into a self-pin. First-class cyclic interchange of function of white Lions.

5th Prize - G145 Hubert Gockel (Germany)
Any move of wBf8 threatens [2.Bxb5#] due to observation g8-e8 | Любой ход слоном f8 ведет к угрозе 2.Bxb5# из-за открытия g8-e8
1.Be7? Qe6!
1.Bd6? Qxe8!
1.Bc5? Qxc4!
1.Re6? - 2.Ra6#, 1...Qxe6 2.Bxb5#, 1...Qh8!
1.Bxg7! - 2.Bxb5#
1...Qxe8 2.Ra6# (2.Ra8+?)
1...Qxc4 2.Ra8# (2.Qb3+?)
1...Qd5 2.Qb3# (2.Sc5+?)
1...Qxg7 2.Sc5# (2.Ra6#??)

Great four-fold cycle of parries by the black queen that always attacks two white pieces, but only allows one mate. Along with the tries (two of them are refuted by the thematic refutations) this is an impressive demonstration of the fairy condition AMU.

6th Prize - G196 Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
1...Qe2 2.Sc6 (A) Kd5 3.Sh4 (B) Bh7 4.Sf3 Qe2-e4! 5.Se7+ Qxe7#
1...Qc2 2.Sh4 (B) Kf4 3.Sc6 (A) Re8 4.Sd4 Qc2-e4! 5.Sg6+ Qxg6#

A fleet-footed helpselfmate with freestanding wK. I was persuaded by the spacious, analogue play and the excellent harmony of both solutions. The fact that the bQ has to make a stopover on e4 on its long way to the mate-square is the icing on the cake of this composition.

1st Honourable Mention - G197
Hubert Gockel
SuperProblem, 26-11-2018
Super Guards
2nd Honourable Mention - G184
Menachem Witztum
SuperProblem, 10-08-2018
hs#2.52 sol.(8+9)
3rd Honourable Mention - G186
Anatoly Stepochkin
SuperProblem, 18-08-2018

1st Honourable Mention - G197 Hubert Gockel (Germany)
1.Sg3 Qf2 2.Sf1 Qxc5# (2.Sf5? ... 3.Kd4!)
1.Sf2 d4 2.Sg4 dxc5# (1...Qxf2#?? [нелегальное взятие | illegal capture] 2...Qxc5#)
1.Qf2 d3 2.Qg2 dxe4# (1...Qh4?? [невозможный ход | illegal move] 2...Qxe4#)
1.Qa7 Qh4 2.Qa8+ Qxe4# (1...d3? – 2.dxe4? не защищает от шаха | doesn't defense against a check)

Superguards-Helpmate with TF character. It is interesting to see how, when the black guards S and Q are switched off, the b4 square is guarded. The reciprocal attempts in the first white move fail much more subtle in the first pair than in the second one.

2nd Honourable Mention - G184 Menachem Witztum (Israel)
1...Be2 2.Qe1 Rd3+ (Re3+?) 3.Kh4+ Sf5#
1...Qc4 2.Qa2 Sc2+
(Sb3+?) 3.Kh5+ Rf5#

On the wK two batteries are addressed. One is switched off by pinning, the other gives mate after three consecutive checks. Nice dual avoidance at the first check. The version of V. Medintsev I like a little bit better, but does not change the classification.

3rd Honourable Mention - G186 Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
1.Kxa3[+wRa1] Rc1 2.Sab4 (Sdb4?) Rc3#
1.Kxc4[+wBf1] Bg2 2.Sdb4 (Sab4?) Bd5#

These rebirths remind me of my own joint-composition with Dieter Müller (see Appendix, D). In G186 the bK can capture the wR/wB on the first move, because the lines to a3 and c4 are blocked by bSS. Both must block square b4, but only the one that opens the line of the reborn piece. Circe mates, nice dual avoidance and economical construction.

4th Honourable Mention - G177
Ján Kovalič
SuperProblem, 10-07-2018
b, c) Gg7->h1, f1

g7, b3, c4, h3:
Grasshopper (G)
5th Honourable Mention - G148
János Csák
SuperProblem, 08-02-2018
Commendation - G147
Brian Stephenson & Stephen Taylor
SuperProblem, 08-02-2018

d6, h4, h5: Pao (PA)
f8, h1: Vao (VA)
a2, f2: Nao (NA)

4th Honourable Mention - G177 Ján Kovalič (Slovakia)
a) diagram: 1.Kf5 Gb2 2.Be5 (A) Gb1#, 1...Gb6 2.Qe5 (B) Gd7#
b) Gg7->h1: 1.Kd4 Gf3 2.Qe5 (B) Gb6#, 1...Gh4 2.Re5 (C) Gf4#
c) Gg7->f1: 1.Kd6 Gxh3 2.Re5 (C) Gh6#, 1...Gfd3 2.Be5 (A) Ga3#

In the keys, the bK draws a Y on the board and always turns off one of his three officers as a block. The two others block the square just leaving in a dual-avoiding way. This results in a cyclic block change B/Q - Q/R - R/B. Unfortunately, the composer did not succeed in realizing the reciprocal interchange of function of the wGG and mate pattern in c) either. That prevented a slightly higher placement.

5th Honourable Mention - G148 János Csák (Hungary)
1.0-0 2.Rd1 3.Rxd8 4.Rxh8 5.Rxa8 6.Ra1 7.Rf1 8.Rxf2 9.Kf1 10.Ke1 11.Rf1 12.Rh1=

Funny and original, white castling and in the end king and rook are back in castling position. In the PDB I did not find anything comparable.

Commendation - G147 Brian Stephenson & Stephen Taylor (England)
1.Qb3! - 2.Qb5 Se4#
1...PAe4 2.Re6 PAee5#
1...VAe4 2.Rf6 VAf5#
1...NAe4 2.Rg6 NAg5#

Fine reflexmate with meeting point e4. To prevent his knight’s threatening reflexmate on e4, Black blocks this square with Pao, Vao and Nao. After that, the white rook can give up the control of the black anti-battery and enforces the reflexmate by exact removal.

Commendation - G171
Ladislav Packa
SuperProblem, 14-06-2018
h#3.52 sol.
Commendation - G178
Ján Kovalič
SuperProblem, 10-07-2018
h#2b) Pg5->f2
Take & Make Chess
Commendation - G194
Marko Klasinc
SuperProblem, 27-09-2018
Andernach Chess

Commendation - G171 Ladislav Packa (Slovakia)
1...b8R 2.Sh3 Rxb3[wRb3->h1] 3.Ba4 Rxh3[wRh3->h1] 4.Be8 Rxh5[wRh5->h1]#
1...b8B 2.Sf4 Bxc7[wBc7->c1] 3.Rc8 Bxf4[wBf4->c1] 4.Re8 Bxg5[wBg5->c1]#

On its way to the rebirth square, the underpromoted white piece opens the line of a black piece so that it can occupy the rebirth square of its king. To reach the mate, the white piece must be reborn twice again, because he has to clear black pieces out of the way. The harmony between the two solutions is good, but they look a little bloodless at me.

Commendation - G178 Ján Kovalič (Czech Republic)
a) diagram: 1.dxc5-e4 Qxg1-b6+ 2.Kxb6-g6 Sxh4-f4#
b) Pg5->f2: 1.Bxg2-f4 Qxb3-d5+ 2.Kxd5-f3 Sxa4-d4#

First, a bR must be interfered, then the wQ sacrifices herself for the bK, the bK moves to the mating square and a white S gives mate. Take & Make in each half move, good. No corresponding line opening for the wQ in b), less good. 15 black pieces, acceptable, because Take & Make is a dynamic condition.

Commendation - G194 Marko Klasinc (Slovenia)
1.d1Q g4 2.Qxg4=w Qg2#
1.d1R Sd3 2.Rxd3=w Rd4#
1.d1B Sa4 2.Bxa4=w Bc2#
1.d1S Sf5 2.Sxe3=w f3#

Lovely black AUW. White actively sacrifices three times, one time passively a piece so that the promoted piece can change colour. The fourth solution differs slightly from the other three, but fits well into the overall concept.

Appendix | Приложение

Anatoly Stepochkin
version Franz Pachl
Daniel Novomesky
"Phénix", 2004

b7, d8: Lion
Cornel Pacurar
Commendation, "Gaudium", 2013
b,c)Kd3->f4,c4; d)PRg1->g4

f6, g1: Princess (PR)

A Anatoly Stepochkin, version Franz Pachl
1.Re4 f8=KA (A) 2.Bd4 (Qd4?) a8=KA# (B)
1.Rf4 a8=KA (B) 2.Qd4
(Bd4?) f8=KA# (A)

B Daniel Novomesky
1...c4 2.Kb4 LIb3 3.Ka5 LId5 4.LId3 Kb3 5.LIa6 c5#
1...c3 2.Kb5 LIb2 3.Ka4 LId4 4.LId2 Kb2 5.LIa5 c4#
1...Ka1 2.Kb4 LIb1 3.Ka3 LId3 4.Ld1 Kb1 5.LIa4 c3#

C Cornel Pacurar
a) diagram: 1...PRc5+ 2.Ke2 PRa6+ 3.Kf2 PRc5+ 4.PRd4 PRd3+ 5.Kg2 PRf4+ 6.Kh1 PRd5+ 7.PRf3 PRxf3#
b) Kd3->f4: 1...PRe2+ 2.Kg5 PRc1+ 3.Kg6 PRd3+ 4.PRe4 PRf4+ 5.Kg7 PRe6+ 6.Kh8 PRd4+ 7.PRf6 PRxf6#
c) Kd3->c4: 1...PRe3+ 2.Kb5 PRf1+ 3.Kb6 PRe3+ 4.PRd4 PRc4+ 5.Kb7 PRd6+ 6.Ka8 PRe4+ 7.PRc6 PRxc6#
d) PRg1->g4: 1...PRf5+ 2.Kd2 PRh6+ 3.Kc2 PRf5+ 4.PRe4 PRe3+ 5.Kb2 PRc4+ 6.Ka1 PRe5+ 7.PRc3 PRxc3#

Franz Pachl & Dieter Müller
1st Prize, TT Problemecho, 2002

D Franz Pachl & Dieter Müller
1.Bh7 Ba2+ 2.Kxa3[+wRa1] Bxc5[+bRh8]#
1.Rf5 Rd3 2.Kxc4[+wBf1] Rxe4[+bBc8]#

Judge of the section: Franz Pachl (Germany)Судья раздела: Франц Пахль (Германия)

Judge | Судья

Franz Pachl

Director | Директор

Aleksander Bulavka

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesyan

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