Final Award in Quick Composing TT-171 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-171

Albeit it does move! | И всё-таки она вертится!

Theme | Тема

17 entries were received from 7 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 17 композиций от 7 авторов из 6 стран

EN <-> RU

From the contest director I've received 17 anonymous problems. However 9 of those did not meet the required theme – there was nothing cyclical in them, even though some of them mentioned it in the author commentary. From the remaining 8 problems I've added all 8 into the result! Why such a large amount? Already when searching for a theme for this TT I've noticed that in the series mover there were rarely any threefold cycles, they were even rarer than fourfold cycles. So just the existence of such a problem can be considered as a valuable addition to chess composition.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11
Ingemar Lind
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 7
Gábor Tar
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
ser-h=3b) bBe7; c) bRe7(10+10)
No 7 (version)
Gábor Tar
TT-171, SuperProblem, 02-10-2016
ser-h=3b) bBd8; c) bRd8(8+9)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 4K3/4N2p/8/8/5kpB/3PR3/1p3P2/8

1.b1S 2.Sd2 3.Sf3 Re4# (Promotion: S, Mating piece: R)
1.b1R 2.Rb5 3.Rg5 Bg3# (Promotion: R, Mating piece: B)
1.b1B 2.Bxd3 3.Bf5 Sd5# (Promotion: B, Mating piece: S)
The problem works with the cycle of black promotion and mating white officer. Originally I wanted to put forward more complex compositions, however with those I found some issues in construction. In this problem the solution flows calmly in a unified manner, the promoted black piece blocks the square next to the king and the mate is given by a different white officer each time, with a cyclical movement of pieces bS-wR, bR-wB, bB-wS. There are no strategic elements here like in other problems, its first place is earned from harmony of content and economical structure.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 7, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 8/3Nn1p1/3p2P1/p2P3p/R1nkb2Q/1PN1r3/2PP2p1/3K2B1

a) diagram: 1.Sc6 2.Sb4 3.Sxd2 Kxd2=
b) bBe7: 1.Bg5 2.Bf4 3.Bxc2 Kxc2=
c) bRe7: 1.Rf7 2.Rf2 3.Re1+ Kxe1=
Three black officers are in a pin and a free black man always frees one of them. The cycle is made in such a manner, that from the three pins two always remain. In addition a harmonic element of the problem is also the fact that the freeing and freed figure are of the same type. The problem was my favorite and I would give it first place, if it wasn't inefficient in construction. At least three pieces are redundant... If the author is interested, I can publish a more economic version, but without effect on the final score.
EN <-> RU

No 7 (version), Gábor Tar (Hungary) 3n4/3Np3/4B3/p1N4p/R1nkb2R/4r3/3P2p1/3K2B1

a) diagram: 1.Sc6 2.Sb4 3.Sxd2 Kxd2=
b) bBd8: 1.Bc7 2.Bf4 3.Bc2 Kxc2=
c) bRd8: 1.Rf8 2.Rf2 3.Re1+ Kxe1=
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9
Gábor Tar
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
1st Honorable mention - No 5
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
ser-h#5b)Se8->b5; c)Pf7->d7(8+10)
2nd Honorable mention - No 8
Gábor Tar
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 8/1pP1n1pq/1P1pp3/5R2/r2NK1p1/1rpR4/4n3/1bb1k3

1.c8Q? 2.Qxe6 3.Qh6 4.Qd2+ Bxd2=, 4...cxd2!
1.c8S! 2.Sxe7 3.Sg6 4.Rf1+ Kxf1=
1.c8R! 2.Rxc3 3.Rc2 4.Rd1+ Kxd1=
1.c8B! 2.Bxe6 3.Bc4 4.Sc2+ Bxc2=
Thematically very similar to second prize. The change of genre also changes the point of view when it comes to the economy of material. With this problem I won't criticize that some figures do not play a role in the overall concept – it is not a help problem. If the author managed to work with unpinning three different types of white pieces, it would be first place.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 5, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) 3nnr2/pp3p2/6p1/K2NBN1p/2PPk1Pp/1P6/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Sf6 2.Sxg4 3.Kxf5 4.Kg5 5.f5 Bf4#
b) Se8->b5: 1.Sxd4 2.Kxe5 3.Ke6 4.Kd7 5.Ke8 Sf6#
c) Pf7->d7: 1.Rf6 2.Rc6 3.Rxc4 4.Kxd5 5.Kc6 Se7#
Standard cyclical Zilahi with model mates. I am bothered with the twinning mechanism and small disharmony in the solutions – for example that the black figure once blocks the kings field and twice it doesn't, or that the capturing of the white pawn is always done in a different turn.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 8, Gábor Tar (Hungary) b7/1B3N2/r4p2/3NpK2/7p/RR4qk/6rb/8

1.Sxe5 2.Sf3 (Sd3?) 3.Sf4+ Qxf4# (Unpinned Q by Sf7 -> Sd5 checked)
1.Sc3 (Se3?) 2.Bf3 3.Bg4+ Qxg4# (Unpinned Q by Sd5 -> Bb7 checked)
1.Sxf6 2.Bf3 3.Sg5+ Qxg5# (Unpinned Q by Bb7 -> Sf7 checked)
A nice problem with a cycle of white men unpinning the black queen and giving the final check. It is important to note that the move Ba8-f3 is repeated in two solutions, however it always has a different purpose and I do not consider it a flaw.
EN <-> RU
Special Hon. mention - No 17
Ivars Ozols
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
ser-h=5zero, a-c) see text(10+1)
Commendation - No 1
Dieter Müller
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016
ser-h#4b,c) Ka5->e4,g6(2+14)
Commendation - No 12
Ingemar Lind
TT-171, SuperProblem, 22-09-2016

Special Honorable mention - No 17, Ivars Ozols (Latvia) K5B1/3P4/3P3P/1Nk1P1P1/3R2P1/8/8/8

a) Pd6->b6: 1.Kxb5 2.Kxb6 3.Kc7 4.Kd8 5.Ke7 d8R=
b) Kc5->h6: 1.Kg7 2.Kxg8 3.Kf7 4.Ke6 5.Kxe5 d8S=
c) Sb5->f6: 1.Kxd4 2.Kxe5 3.Kxd6 4.Ke7 5.Kf8 d8B=
The theme – cyclical Phoenix – I very much like and if it was the only criteria I would give the problem first prize. However a technique of construction of the problem puts the problem into the category of special mentions.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 1, Dieter Müller (Germany) 6nn/4p2r/1p2p2p/kp1p4/1b1p2K1/2pb4/8/5R2

a) diagram: 1.Bc5 2.b4 3.b5 4.Bb6 Ra1#
b) Ka5->e4: 1.Bc4 2.d3 3.d4 4.Bd5 Re1#
c) Ka5->g6: 1.Kg7 2.Sg6 3.Rh8 4.Kh7 Rf7#
In this problem the author managed to fool the arbiter somewhat. The problem has the required cyclical theme, however it would still have it even if it was single-phase. It is not what the contest's author had in mind. But it is his problem, he should have been more clear with his ideas. The problem displays, besides the thematic cyclical exchange of places of black figures, also model mates. The score is lowered due to the unpopular twinning structural element, transporting the black king into prepared traps.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 12, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/7N/3p2Q1/3rk1p1/5rq1/4K1B1/4Pn2/8

1.Bxf2 2.Qe4+ Rxe4#
1.Sf6 2.Sxg4+ Sxg4#
1.Sxg5 2.Bxf4+ Qxf4#
A two-moves series problems are fairly rare. They represent a kind of extreme of the genre and their use should be excused by a proper theme. Here it was almost pulled off. If the author could add to the cyclic Zilahi in the solution beginning by the move 1.Sf6 a similar motivation as in the previous solutions, then the score could have been significantly higher.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

ser-h#2-6, ser-h=2-6
ser-s#2-6, ser-s=2-6

Participants | Участники

Klipachev V. – No 3, 4
Koci V. – No 13, 14, 15, 16
Lind I. – No 10, 11, 12
Müller D. – No 1, 2
Ozols I. – No 17
Stepochkin A. – No 5
Tar G. – No 6, 7, 8, 9

The Winner Is | Победитель

Ingemar Lind
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Ladislav Packa

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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