Final Award in Quick Composing TT-205 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-205

False half-battery | Фальшивая полубатарея

Theme | Тема

21 entries were received from 15 authors representing 9 countries | На конкурс поступило 21 композиций от 15 авторов из 9 стран

EN <-> RU

I received 21 problems in anonymous form from TT director. This quantity pleased me. But the analysis gave me mixed feelings. I got great pleasure from some good compositions. In view of complexity I would distinguish every original twomover. But formality of realization, weak tactic saturation of battery play do not allow me to do it.
In particular, I didn’t distinguish following problems:
- No 13 (Kd6-Ke4) – yacpdb/5962;
- No 14 (Ka7-Kc5) – unnecessary wR in the solution, the same refutations of thematic tries;
- No 19 (Kd1-Ke3) – change of one mate is not enough for originality compare to yacpdb/442526.
Also I want to say about diseconomy of using a half-battery for realization of Urania theme. Because there is pleasant play in yacpdb/30256, which was opened, apparently, by Soviet duet Т. Amirov and S. Makhno: yacpdb/34908.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9
Mark Basisty & Anatoly Vasilenko
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 20
Grigory Atayants
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 12
Vasil Ďačuk
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9, Mark Basisty & Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine) 1n1B4/1Bp2p2/3pp2n/4kp2/R1QNP3/2b1N3/1p6/1K3R2

*1...f4 2.Sf3#, *1...Sc6 2.Sc6#
1.Sf3#? Kf4!
1.exf5? – 2.Sf3# (1...Kf4??), 1...Bxd4 2.Qxd4#, 1...d5!
1.Sd~? – 2.Qxc3# (A), 1...d5 2.Qxc7# (1...Kxe4??), 1...B~ 2.Qd4#, 1...Sc6!
1.Sxe6? - 2.Qd5# (B), 1...fxe6 2.Qxc3# (A), 1...c6!
1.Sd5! - 2.Sf3# (2.Bf6#?)
1...Kxe4 2.Qe2#
1...exd5 2.Qxd5# (B)
1...fxe4 2.Bf6#
1...Bxd4 2.Qxd4#
Very original sight on theme realization. Doubled function of Queen is fine. Tries with white half-battery activation, white correction and threat correction is quite unusual for this theme. But I do not agree about Caprice theme. Yes, Black play on d5 in refutation but defensive Black motive and weakening motive in key are different. This problem will appeal to a wide audience of #2 fans. I would put it on a par with problems of Vladimirov and Melnichenko from the announcement.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 20, Grigory Atayants (Russia) nQ6/1KR1pN2/4ppP1/2p1N2p/5kPP/8/5B2/7B

1.Qf8? (A) – 2.Qh6#, 1...fxe5 (a) 2.Sh6# (B), 1...hxg4! (x)
1.Rxc5? (C) – 2.Rc4# (D), 1...hxg5 (x) 2.Sd3# (E), 1...Sb6!
1.Sh6! (B) – 2.Sd3# (E),
1...fxe5 (a) 2.Qf8# (A)
[Salazar AB-BA]
1...Kxe5 2.Rxc5# (C) [pseudo Erochin CE-EC]
1...c4 2.Rxc4# [pseudo Le Grand DE-ED]
The most complicated realization of changing functions of 5 white moves. All White moves in the solution are thematic. There is a logics in tries where White attempt to neutralize strong Black defenses. Of course, the mate on 1...c4 is ready in the beginning, but I consider it allowable in such difficult concept.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 12, Vasil Ďačuk (Slovakia) 6B1/1pK2RP1/2ppPQ2/1r1k4/1P6/N3r3/5N2/3q3b

1.e7? (A) – 2.Qxd6#, 1...Rxa3 (a) 2.Rf8#, 1...Rxe7+ 2.Rxe7#, 1...Re6!
1.Rd7? (B) – 2.Rxd6#, 1...Rxa3 (a) 2.e7# (A), 1...Rxb4!
1.Qf4! – 2.Qxd6#
1...Rxa3 (a) / Rxe6 2.Rf5#
1...Kxe6 2.Rd7# (B)
1...Re5 2.Qc4#
In quite well-known scheme the author was managed to regularize a mechanism in according to this theme, and herewith he got fully original problem. Good work.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 17
Ivo Tominić
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
Honorable mention - No 15
Zoltan Labai & Gábor Tar
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
Special Hon. mention - No 10
Vladimir Klipachev
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018

4th Prize - No 17, Ivo Tominić (Croatia) 4b3/8/2R5/8/B3rP2/2R1p3/2PB2K1/3k1NNQ

1.Sg3? (A) – 2.Sf3# (B), 1...Kxd2 2.Sf3#, 1...exd2 (a) 2.Se2#, 1...e2! (b)
1.Sf3? (B) – 2.Sg3 (A), 1...Ke2 2.Sg3#, 1...e2 (b) 2.Se3#, 1...exd2! (a)
1.Rxe3! – 2.c4#
1...Rxe3 2.c3#
1...Rxa4 2.Re1#
1...Bxc6 2.Qh5#
Original plot, in which the theme is consonant with TT-172 “Superfluous solution” (2016). In tries there is battery play with functions permutation between White and Black moves. In the solution there is an activation of battery which was blocked earlier.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention - No 15, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) & Gábor Tar (Hungary) 3b4/B7/2N5/2R2P2/2pNpPb1/4kPP1/5p2/2K2B2

*1...c3 2.Rxc3#
1.Rxc4? – 2.Rc3#, 1...exf3 2.Sc2#, 1...Ba5!
1.Re5? – 2.Rxe4#, 1...Bxf3 2.Sc2#, 1...Bxf5!
1.Sb4! – 2.Sbc2#
1...exf3 2.Re5#
1...Kxd4 2.Rxc4#
First moves of tries become mates in the solution – as in 2nd Prize. Defences-change with play on the same square by different pieces. One thematic variation is ready in the beginning. Pity that the author was not managed to do a mate 2.Sdc2 (from tries) as threat in the solution – under this condition the problem would be evaluated higher.
EN <-> RU

Special Honorable mention - No 10, Vladimir Klipachev (Russia) B5Q1/1P3P2/2PpN3/3k2K1/P2P2NR/R1B5/8/8

1.Qg6? zz Kc4 (a) 2.Se3# (A), 1...Kxc6! (b)
1.b8Q? (C) zz Kc4 (a) 2.Qb5# (B), 1...Kxe6 2.f8Q#, 1...Ke4!
1.Sc5? zz Kc4 (a) 2.Se3# (A), 1...Kxc6 (b) 2.b8Q# (C), 1...dxc5!
1.Sf6+? Kxc6 (b) 2.b8Q# (C), 1...Kc4! (a)
1.Se5? – 2.Sc7#, 1...Kxe6 2.f8Q#, 1...dxe5!
1.Bd2/Be1? zz Ke4 2.Sf6#, 1...Kc4 (a) 2.Se3# (A), 1...Kxe6 2.f8Q#, 1...Kxc6! (b)
1.Ba5! zz
1...Ke4 2.Sf6#
1...Kc4 (a) 2.Se3# (A)
1...Kxc6 (b) 2.b8S# (D)
1...Kxe6 2.f8Q#
The task with 3 half-batteries: two direct and one indirect. As in many record problems, an aesthetics is pushed into the background.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 8
Fedir Kapustin
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
2nd Commendation - No 3
Fedir Kapustin
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
3rd Commendation - No 2
Fedir Kapustin
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018

1st Commendation - No 8, Fedir Kapustin (Ukraine) 2b2R2/3pp3/3P2P1/QPP1kN2/3pP1KP/3P4/B2P1b2/7n

1.b6? – 2.c6#, 1...exd6 2.cxd6#, 1...Ba6!
1.c6? – 2.b6#, 1...dxc6 2.bxc6#, 1...Ba6 2.bxa6#, 1...exd6!
1.Qd8? – 2.Qxe7#, 1...e6 2.Qf6#, 1...Bxh4!
1.Se3? – 2.Rf5#, 1...dxe3 2.Qc3#, 1...e6 2.Sc4#, 1...Sg3!
1.Sxd4! – 2.Sf3#
1...Kxd4 2.Qc3#
1...Bxd4 2.Rf5#
Among all problem with such mechanism I liked this problem. Author attempt to achieve interesting content, good key and simply good problem.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 3, Fedir Kapustin (Ukraine) 8/1p2p3/b1p5/8/2P1ppPR/3kPP1Q/B3R3/B4K2

1.exf4? – 2.fxe4#, 1...exf3 2.Qxf3#, 1...e3!
1.fxe4? – 2.exf4#, 1...fxe3 2.Qxe3#, 1...Kxe4 2.Bb1#, 1...f3!
1.g5? – 2.Qd7#, 1...exf3 2.Qf5#, 1...Bxc4 2.Bb1#, 1...e6!
1.Rh8! – 2.Rd8#
1...exf3 2.Qh7#
1...Bxc4 2.Bb1#
And again Pawn half-battery with added Bristol clearance. Non-playing Rook give the cue for solution.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 2, Fedir Kapustin (Ukraine) 1B6/6pQ/5PpP/7P/8/8/6P1/5K1k

1.hxg7? – 2.hxg6#, 1...gxh5 2.Qxh5#, 1...g5!
1.hxg6? – 2.hxg7#, 1...gxh6 2.Qxh6#, 1...gxf6!
1.g4! zz
1...gxh6/gxf6 2.Qb7#
1...g5/gxh5 2.Qe4#
Gravure with change of 2 mates.
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 4
Fedir Kapustin
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018
Special Commendation - No 21
Eduard Nagovitsyn
TT-205, SuperProblem, 07-04-2018

4th Commendation - No 4, Fedir Kapustin (Ukraine) 3B4/8/2pkp3/1pNP3R/1K6/1p2pN2/3P4/3Q4

1.dxe3? – 2.dxe6#, 1...e5/exd5 2.Rh6#, 1...cxd5!
1.dxe6? – 2.dxe3#, 1...exd2 2.Qxd2#, 1...e2!
1.Qa1? – 2.Qe5#, 1...cxd5 2.Qa6#, 1...b2!
1.Se5! – 2.Sf7#
1...Kxd5 2.dxe3#
1...cxd5 2.Sb7#
Queen is necessary only for additional change but the key is pleasant.
EN <-> RU

Special Commendation - No 21, Eduard Nagovitsyn (Russia) 8/6N1/8/8/R2PPk1P/1Q6/8/4K3

1.d5? zz 1...Kg4 2.e5#, 1...Ke5!
1.e5? zz 1...Kg4 2.d5#, 1...Ke4!
1.Kf2! – 2.Qf3#
1...Kg4 2.Qg3#
It is the most economic problem of the tourney. Salazar theme, 3 fold change of mate 1...Kg4. Similar play was meet in miniature but without fake half-battery.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

#2 (twomovers | двухходовки)

Participants | Участники

Atayants G. – No 20
Basisty M. – No 9*
Ďačuk V. – No 12
Érsek T. – No 16
Gurgui D. – No 11
Halma M. – No 1
Kapustin F. – No 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Klipachev V. – No 10
Labai Z. – No 14*, 15*
Müller D. – No 18, 19
Nagovitsyn E. – No 21
Retter Y. – No 13
Tar G. – No 14*, 15*
Tominić I. – No 17
Vasilenko A. – No 9*

The Winners | Победители

Mark Basisty

Anatoly Vasilenko
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Vasyl Markovcij

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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