Final Award in Quick Composing TT-227 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-227

Double anticipation | Двойное предвидение

Theme | Тема

39 entries were received from 20 authors representing 12 countries | На конкурс поступило 39 композиций от 20 авторов из 12 стран

EN <-> RU

From the tourney director Aleksey Oganesjan I received 39 anonymized entries (one problem was presented in two versions) of various quality. In addition to the simple works more than a dozen entries were more or less mismatching the theme conditions.
The report contains the following abbreviations: B1 – 1st move of Black, B2 – 2nd move of Black, W1 – 1st move of White, W2 – 2nd move of White, NE - negative effect(s).

Below I give comments on some interesting works that were not included in the award:
No 7 (Kf3-Ke6) – pure execution of the tourney theme, but distant displacement of mating piece in twin is an essential flaw, in my opinion;
No 8 (Ka5-Kd5) – the only one submitted to the tourney problem of a three-phase. However, the totality of the shortcomings: inhomogeneous twins, capture of thematic pawn and not quite homogeneous types of NE doesn't allow to reward this work;
No 9 (Kf5-Kd4) – not bad for an nine-piece problem, but one NE (unblocking) is created artificially – BQ can be placed on a3 in the initial position and this will not affect to solution.
No 13 (Kg1-Kc4) – in twin ‘a’, W1 is motivated primarily by line-opening for BB rather than by line-closing of BQ and the WP has no other move but to go onto e6, whereas the tourney theme involves some freedom in W1;
No 14A (Kg7-Kd5) – in twin ‘a’, W1 is motivated primarily by guarding d6 square, not solely the thematic square e5. In addition, the play is not quite homogeneous;
No 14B (Kf7-Kd5) – radical twin and not quite homogeneous play;
No 15 (Ke2-Kf4) – irrelevant twin, I think. A clear functions permutation between white pieces can be realized in the following Meredith position: 3Br3/1p6/1R2n3/1K3B2/3k4/1n6/q2P4/8, but in this case the idea is very close to pdb/P1237332. See also pdb/P0573992;
No 18 (Kh8-Ke4) – not quite balanced play. In addition, capture of BB detracts;
No 20 (Ke8-Kf5) – in my opinion, this work is unconvincing improvement of yacpdb/447262: after 1.Be7, a mating unit is under attack of BB and therefore d6# is the only answer that makes meaningless the anti-dual choice dxc6#? because closure of BQ loses its thematic meaning. Despite the fact that the mating move is outside the tourney theme, I believe, the problem loses its charm without the mentioned choice;
No 22 (Ke1-Kf5) – I counted three NE instead of required two: unblocking of square next to BK, capture of needed white unit and line-opening for BB which controls a mate square. Even if there were two negative effects, the radical twin and an incomplete homogeneity of final positions still do not allow to reward the problem;
No 24 (Kg7-Kc4) – the move 1…Rd2 is motivated by the need to guard d3 square, not solely thematic d5 (+WPe4 - and the solution remains unchanged);
No 26 (Ka6-Kg4) – unsatisfactory construction;
No 27 (Kf2-Kh5) – W1 motivated primarily by non-alternative guarding g6, not solely by avoidance of needed white unit capturing;
No 32 (Kc1-Kc5) – not quite homogeneous effects in solutions;
No 34 (Kc5-Kf4) – by the style of author's comment I assumed that the author of this problem and problem No 31 is the same person, and since these problems are very similar I rewarded a more economical and harmonious one;
No 38 (Kd6-Kd3) – a clever idea and the most difficult case in terms of considering ‘thematic/non-thematic’. After much thought, I decided not to include this problem in the award. If we skip the first move, then 2.Sxd4 is just a mate to WK – I suppose it is the single NE. An alternate interpretation allows to recognize the opening of three different lines as NE but then we have three NE, but not two stated in formulation of the tourney them. Finally, in the latter case, after B1, WK must have 3 free squares in each solution to answer the double check in B1. However, after 1.Sf5++ only two squares are available for WK and it loses the choice to go onto thematic line ‘e’.

The level of rewarded works is rather high.

I thank all participants of the tourney, as well as the tireless and restless organizer of quick composing theme tourneys on the website!

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 19 (version)
Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon
TT-227, SuperProblem, 05-09-2019
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 1
Vladislav Nefyodov
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 2
Yury Gorbatenko
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 19, Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon (Israel) 7B/p5R1/2P3P1/3N4/r2k4/P5P1/p7/q2BK1b1

1.Qc1 (Qb1?) Sb4 (Sf4?) 2.Ke3 Re7#
(Ra5?) Se3 (Sb6?) 2.Kc3 Rd7#
In each of the two solutions, as a result of BK move (B2), two linear black pieces control a mate line (NE1 and NE2). One of them is hiding and the other is closing by WS, giving flight for BK and at the same time taking another flight. In my opinion, this is the most original and interesting strategy featuring the tourney theme when B2 becomes possible (legal) due to W1. Anticipatory hideaway with a choice of arrival square as an introductory move blends with thematically motivated dual-avoidance in W1. A clever realization of function permutation between WR/WB. Admirable mirror mates are the icing on the cake of this composition. Incomplete harmony of the play, which might be seen by experienced viewer, is fully justified by the original and sophisticated content.
Compare to pdb/P0557444.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 1, Vladislav Nefyodov (Russia) 8/3n3K/1p6/2k4B/3N4/Np2P3/b1n5/QqB5

1.Qxa1 Bf7! (Bf3?) 2.Sxa3 Bxa3#
1.Qxc1 Bf3!
(Bf7?) 2.Sxd4 Qxd4#
The unblocking captures of white knights (B2) are accompanied by discovered check to WK (NE1) and the loss of control over one of the two squares near BK (c4/c6). An attempt to deactivate the black battery Q+S by the move 1.Qb2? leads to the creation of new NE which any sides cannot overcome. Therefore, BQ captures one of the mating white pieces (involving passive Zilahi), and WB performs an alternative guarding of initially free square d5 together with another square that becomes free as a result of B2. Rather airy setting for such powerful white material with sufficient novelty of the content. Compare to pdb/P1100618.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 2, Yury Gorbatenko (Russia) 8/pr1pK1p1/2N2p2/2pkN1b1/Br4q1/np6/3p4/4R3

1.Rb8! (R7b6? R7b5?) Re4 2.dxc6 Bxc6#
(Bf4? Be3?) Bb5 2.fxe5 Rxe5#
A clear mechanism of black batteries destruction in combination with reciprocally changed functions within two pairs of white pieces. The types of negative effects are the same as in the previous problem. Here, the introductory hideaways have great variability, and the homogeneity of the tries makes the problem particularly attractive. However, I have ranked No 1 higher because of the combination of the tourney theme with my favorite Zilahi theme. Version 5+12 is possible (8/2r5/1pr1pK1p/3N2p1/3pkN1b/7q/Bnb5/5R2) but this does not affect to the distinction. Compare to yacpdb/439271.
EN <-> RU
1st Honorable mention - No 37
M. Witztum & R. Vieira
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
h#2b) wBf4(10+11)
2nd Honorable mention - No 10
Petr Zabirokhin
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
3rd Honorable mention - No 31
Fadil Abdurahmanovic
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019

1st Honorable mention - No 37, Menachem Witztum (Israel) & Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 4r3/1p1N1p2/1P2bP2/2P1N3/2nkPRp1/2p1pP2/K2n1r2/3B4

a) diagram: 1.Sb2+! Bb3 2.Sxe4 Rxe4#
b) wBf4: 1.Sb3+! Be2 2.Sxe5 Bxe5#
The most paradoxical rendering of the tourney theme: to protect WK from discovered check on the second black move (NE1), Black needs to give it at the very beginning! The second NE is a capture of needed white unit guarding flight/flights near BK. Judge evaluation was reduced with an incomplete homogeneity of the motives of B1: 1.Sb3+ is a pure check protection, while 1.Sb2+ is also the opening of a perspective line for WB - that's why 1.Rf1? doesn't solve. The construction looks heavy but seems to be optimal for the presented content. Technical white pawns can be eliminated by increasing the number of technical black units, including powerful officers, in the following position: 6b1/1p1N1q2/1p5r/4N3/p1nkPRp1/2p1bP2/K2n1r2/3B4. Though, this is a questionable improvement, I guess...
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 10, Petr Zabirokhin (Russia) 2B4R/4kq2/2bp1p2/2PrP3/3p4/4n3/1r6/2B4K

1.Sg2 (S~?) Bf4 2.Rxc5 exd6#
(R~?) Ba3 2.Rxe5 cxd6#
When looking at the diagrammed position, the final position are promptly visible: any of the two white pawns could give mate on d6 in perspective. But this square is guarded by BR, and its moving (B2) leads to, firstly, capturing one of the WPs (NE1), and therefore, the loss required for the mate double control of square d6 and, secondly, discovered check to WK (NE2). Moving of BBc6 from the diagonal a8-h1doesn't solve the problem since only WBc1 can compensate the loss of double control over square d6. But this unit is cut off from the mate network in the initial position. Therefore Black performs gate-opening for WBc1 and at the same time protects WK from discovered check on B2. Then Black makes an alternate capture of white pawns depending on from which side WB guards d6. It involves Zilahi theme with mates by different white pawns on the same square, which in combination with the introduction by different black pieces on the same square brings to the content Baltic theme also. Good external form (by the way, technical BPd4 can be removed: 2R5/1b1pkq2/3p1p2/2PrP3/3N4/4n3/1r6/2B4K) and quite an interesting strategy. The easy-to-find solution has reduced judge's evaluation.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 31, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 8/K3n2r/8/R6p/4qk1N/8/5r2/3B1Nb1

1.Bh2 Bxh5! 2.Rf3 Sg2#
1.Rh8 Rxh5! 2.Sf5 Sg6#
The well-known matrix seems to be able to give something new. Anyway, I could not find any strong forerunner. BQ controls both mate squares in the initial position and it should remain at its place to block a square next to BK. BQ's lines must be closed by the black pieces which also control mate squares g2/g6. The closure of both lines occurs on the critical squares f3/f5 that leads to the loss of control (by white linear officers) over the squares g4/g5, respectively (NE1). In addition, the line-closure leads to discovered check to WK (NE2). To prevent these negative effects, Black moves away a rear piece of his battery, and White makes anticritical move by B/R to avoid line-closing in B2 and thus keeps control over g4/g5 squares. A pleasant Meredith with the only technical BP which is accidentally capturing in the course of the solution. Unfortunately, there is no optimal way to get rid of this capture because BPh5 eliminates cooks. I didn't consider the attempt 1.Rh6? since it was not indicated by author of the problem and therefore I find the play of both sides completely homogeneous. Compare to pdb/P0547358.
EN <-> RU
Special Hon. mention - No 39
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
h#2b) wSg3(8+13)
1st Commendation - No 28
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
2nd Commendation - No 17
Menachem Witztum
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019

Special Honorable mention - No 39, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 4K3/8/2p1B1n1/2p2p2/1pPkbP2/1P1p2R1/2PP1pp1/3rqn2

a) diagram:
1.Bd5? 1.Se5?
1.Se7! Bxf5! (Bd5?) 2.Bd5 Rxd3#

b) wSg3:
1.Bf3? 1.Se7?
1.Se5! Bd5! (Bxf5?) 2.Bf3 Sxf5#
In the initial position, BB controls both mate squares (d3/f5) and its departure from the diagonal b1-h7 makes the square e4 free (NE1). Black cannot block this square by another his unit in the set number of moves (BQ, playing on e4, will also control these mate squares), so it must be taken under control by White. This can be done only by WB which turns out to be pinned (NE2) after B2. Black anticipatorily closes the potential pin-line by Sg6, playing alternatively on e7/e5 to avoid guarding of mating square. Next, WBe6 guards alternatively the square e4 that becomes free after B2. And then BB unguards mate squares d3/f5. In other words, B1 avoids NE2 and enables the anticipatorily unpinned WB to neutralize NE1 - an original and interesting strategy. Unaesthetic construction of the problem together with unequally motivated dual-avoidance in W1 doesn't allow rewarding a prize. A special distinction is caused by unfortunate flaw: WPc2 is needed only for pure thematic motivation of W1 in twin 'a'; the solution remains the same without this unit.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 28, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) K7/2r5/3Np3/4kbP1/2p2q2/3R4/6P1/8

1.Rc6 g3 2.Qe4 Sf7# 1.Rb7 g4 2.Be4 Sxc4#
By giving quite obvious mates on c4/f7, WS loses control over e4 square - it must be blocked by Black. This can be done by BQ or by BB, but both these pieces already block the squares f4/f5 near BK, and therefore one of the two squares will become free (NE1). Playing on e4, Black gives a direct check to WK (NE2). BR controls both mate squares in the initial position and it has a possibility to execute the check protection by playing on c6/b7, keeping control over one of the two mate squares. This alternative determines what piece will be moved on e4 in B2. The latter thing determines on what square White has to move WPg2, anticipatorily guarding one of the two squares f4/f5 which becomes free as a result of B2. Not too puzzling but looks good! Compare to pdb/P0544156.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 17, Menachem Witztum (Israel) 8/6B1/2Np2q1/2pk2p1/6Kn/2P5/4B2b/8

1.Bf4 Sd4 (Sd8?) 2.Qe4 c4#
1.Sf5 Se5
(Sa5?) 2.Qe6 Bf3#
By blocking e4/e6 square, BQ creates two negative effects - a direct check to WK (NE1) and taking control over a mate square/line (NE2). I consider this slight inhomogeneity of the second NE is acceptable, although it, together with another slight inhomogeneity (1. Sf5 has an accidental departure effect, whereas 1.Bf4 has none. Meanwhile, BS cannot be placed on e7 in diagrammed position since it must control mating square f3 to prevent a few cooks), of course, had affected to judge's evaluation. In the first move, both sides execute an anticipatory line-closing. The reciprocal play between WP and WBe2 is a bonus.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 21
Michel Caillaud
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
4th Commendation - No 35
F. Abdurahmanovic & M. Klasinc
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019
5th Commendation - No 30
Fadil Abdurahmanovic
TT-227, SuperProblem, 26-08-2019

3rd Commendation - No 21, Michel Caillaud (France) 1qr5/3p1B2/4b3/p2N1p2/2kP4/2N2K2/1prR4/2R5

1.Qb4 Rxc2 2.Bxd5+ Bxd5#
1.Qb5 Bxe6 2.Rxc3+ Rxc3#
After capturing one of the two white knights (B2) the second one becomes unguarded (NE1), and besides one more square next to BK becomes unguarded (NE2). Black compensates for the loss of control over the free square by anticipatory self-block, and White guards his knight by capturing a static black piece which performs unblocking capture of the knight in another solution. The play is, however, as much homogeneous as much mechanistic.
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 35, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) & Marko Klasinc (Slovenia) Q5K1/7n/4R3/1p1P4/5p2/R1P2k1P/5q1n/8

1.Sg4 Ra2 (Qa7?) 2.Qg3 d6#
1.Sg5 Qa7
(Ra2?) 2.Qg2 c4#
Here, everything is quite simple and obvious. NE1 is a direct check to WK, and NE2 - unblocking f2. Protecting the check, one of the black knights takes control over one of the two mate lines. This fact determines what white piece should anticipatory guard f2 square. We see orthogonal-diagonal battery mates with interchanged roles of two direct white batteries. It is a little pity that BQ controls one of the two mate lines in the initial position.
EN <-> RU

5th Commendation - No 30, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 5b2/1rp5/1nkrN3/3p4/1K6/8/8/2B5

1.Ra7 Be3 2.Sd7 Sd8#
1.Bh6 Bf4 2.Rd7 Sd4#
I suppose this work does not need extensive comment. Simple but nice.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

H#2 (helpmates in two |
коопматы в 2 хода)

Participants | Участники

Abdurahmanovic F. – No 30, 31, 32, 34*, 35*, 36*
Bhushan P. – No 23, 24, 25
Caillaud M. – No 20**, 21
Gorbatenko Y. – No 2
Kerhuel M. – No 8
Klasinc M. – No 33, 34*, 35*, 36*
Kuhn R. – No 11, 12
Martin L. M. – No 26, 27, 28, 29
Nastran J. – No 7, 9
Navon E. – No 13, 14A, 14B, 19*
Nefyodov V. – No 1
Onkoud A. – No 20**
Pitton P. – No 3, 4
Rotenberg J. – No 20**
Simoni F. – No 15
Tar G. – No 5, 6
Tominić I. – No 22
Vieira R. – No 16*, 37*, 38, 39
Witztum M. – No 16*, 17, 18, 19*, 37*
Zabirokhin P. – No 10

The Winners | Победители

Menachem Witztum

Emanuel Navon

Congratulations! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Vitaly Medintsev

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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