Final Award in Quick Composing TT-232 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-232

...and now it's time for half-neutrals! | ...а сейчас – время полунейтральных фигур!

Theme | Тема

36 entries were received from 9 authors representing 7 countries | На конкурс поступило 36 композиций от 9 авторов из 7 стран

EN <-> RU

The level of the tournament was very high, with many surprising ways of showing the theme. As judges, we have paid attention to many aspects, which will be revealed in the comments.

Unfortunately, we had to exclude 12 problems which turned out as not thematic:
- No half-neutral piece in neutral phase in the initial position or after the key: No 1 (Kf6-Ke8), No 2 (Kd3 Ke1), No 3 (Kc6-Ke4);
- The half-neutral pieces in neutral phase are not played by Black to at least two different squares, leading to different mates by White: No 25 (Kh8-Ke4), No 27 (Kc2-Kd4, 8+9+2), No 28 (Kc2-Kd4, 9+7+3), No 29 (Ke3-Kd5), No 30 (Kf1-Ke3), No 31 (Kf4-Kd4), No 32 (Kg7-Ke5), No 36 (Ka6-Ke4);
- There are two half-neutral pieces each performing half theme: No 34 (Kg3-Ke4) (e8 for the White phase, g6 for the Black phase).

In the remaining 20 compositions to be judged, the following thematic pieces have been used:
- Queen: 5 occurrences in 4 compositions
- Rook: 9 occurrences in 6 compositions
- Bishop: 2 occurrences in 2 compositions
- Knight: 15 occurrences in 14 compositions
- Pawn: 3 occurrences in 3 compositions

As shown in the examples, the half neutral Knight dominates the scene, but all type of figures are represented – clearly a sign of composers’ creativity!
The first 4 prizes have something in common: the key is played by a half-neutral piece in the white phase, entering in the neutral phase. This paradoxical element highly enhances the value of the composition, particularly when the play is introduced after the thematic key! Moreover, in each of these problems, the proposed theme is at least doubled. These qualities make the prize awarded problem feature in the group of higher ambitions.
We would like to thank Aleksey for inviting us to judge together this tournament, which provided us an enjoyable learning experience. The whole process included surprisingly many unexpected facets and different points of view, that we exchanged.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9
Petko Petkov
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

f3: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 7
Jean-Marc Loustau & Michel Caillaud
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

c3: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
b6: Half-n. Queen (nhQ)
b2: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
e3: Half-n. Bishop (nhB)
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 22
Hubert Gockel
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

b1, e5: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
b3: Half-n. Queen (nhQ)
d6: Half-n. Knight (nhS)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9, Petko Petkov (Bulgaria) 2r5/8/3QP2b/4p3/3pP2R/r3k(bN)1K/4pN1N/4B3

1.hnSxd4=nS ? – 2.hnSf5=wS#
1...Sd4~=bS 2.Qd2#
1...nSb3=bS! 2.Qd3#
1...Rf8 2. nSc2=wS#
(1...exd4 2.Qg3#)

1.hnSxe5=nS! – 2.nSeg4=wS#
1...nSe5 ~ = bS 2.Qg3#
1...nSef3=bS! 2.Shg4#
1...Rg8 2.nSc4=wS#
The best 2-phase concept in diagonal-orthogonal correspondence reminding help-play matching. The only thematic piece goes through different thematic transformations of W-N-B and W-N-W types, nicely using geometry of the board. There were just a few problems in the competition where none of the 4 thematic variations involved a capture. In this masterpiece there are 8 thematic variations and none of them actually involve a capture. Clearly our favourite and perhaps the most original idea of the tournament from the bunch of problems using a thematic half neutral S, with correction play of the thematic piece in the try and play. Some of us would have preferred to have a switch between the try and the real play, as the sacrifice of the white half neutral Knight might look more appealing.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 7, Jean-Marc Loustau & Michel Caillaud (France) 8/3p1B2/N(b!q)n5/n2N3K/P1k1p3/2N1(b!b)3/1(b!r)PR1p2/8

1.SHNd1(n)! – 2.Sxb6/Sxe3#
1...QHNnb5(b) (A) 2.SHNnxe3(w)# (B)
1...SHNnxe3(b) (B) 2.QHNnc5(w)# (C)
1...QHNnc5(b)# (C) 2.SHNnxb2(w)# (D)
1...SHNnxb2(b)# (D) 2.QHNnb5(w)# (A)
1...RHNnb5(b) 2.QHNxb5n(w)#

1.QHNnxb2(w)? – 2.Sxb6/Sxe3#, 1...BHNnxd2(b)!
1.QHNnxe3(w)? – 2.Sxb6#, 1...RHNnb5(b)!
A perfect cyclic mechanism, surprising and clever kind of Stavrinides theme, involves 2 pairs of thematic pieces, thematic key-move and unusual thematic defenses by the same half neutral S. The presentation is again in diagonal-orthogonal correspondence, with the half neutral Queen and half neutral Knight exchanging the roles (defender / mating piece). Small blemishes: all captures and double threat create a bit mechanical appearance, and the single unwanted by-variation couldn’t be avoided.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 22, Hubert Gockel (Germany) 8/2p5/2P(b!n)2b1/2p1R2Q/R1Pkp1N1/1(b!q)p4K/1n3N1P/1r6

1.hnRe5-e6=nh? – 2.Qh5-d5# (1st degree attack), 1...nhnSd6*c4=bh!
1.hnRe5-e7=nh? – 2.Qh5-d5# (2nd degree attack), 1...nhnSd6*c4=bh 2.nhnRe7-d7=wh #, 1...nhnRe7-h7=bh!

1.hnRe5-e8=nh! – 2.Qh5-d5# (3rd degree attack)
1...nhnSd6*c4=bh 2.nhnRe8-d8=wh#
1...nhnRe8-h8=bh 2.Qh5*h8 #
1...nhnSd6-f5=bh 2.nhnRe8*e4=wh#
1...Bg6-f7/*h5/f5 2.nhnSd6-f5=wh #
1...nhnRe8-e5=bh 2.Qh5*e5 #
1...nhnQb3*c4=bh 2.nhnSd6-b5=wh #
1...Sb2*c4 2.nhnQb3-d1=wh #
1...c3-c2+ 2.nhnQb3-e3=wh#
A very surprising 3rd degree white correction concept leading to attractive and highly thematic choice of key-move. The overall content appears as having 2 parts, the other one being a rich set of 8 thematic variations in the solution (including 3 self-pins), almost tripling the thematic requirements. Over the 3 thematic phases 3 half neutral pieces make not less than 16 different moves: the Rook – 9, the Knight – 4 and the Queen – 3. Blemishes: a bit less organized thematic content, and the bhnRb1 used as cook-stopper.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 23
Hubert Gockel
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

d2: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
b3, g4: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
1st Special Prize - No 8
Michel Caillaud & Jean-Marc Loustau
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

a4, d7: Half-n. Queen (nhQ)
c2, c4: Half-n. Pawn (nhP)
2nd Special Prize - No 14
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

c4: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
f4: Half-n. Bishop (nhB)

4th Prize - No 23, Hubert Gockel (Germany) 2rR4/1p4p1/7N/1K6/1p1Pk1(b!n)1/1(b!n)4pB/Q1pRPRP1/2B5

*1...nhnSb3*d4=bh+ 2.Rd8*d4#
1.hnRd2-d3=nh! – 2.Rf2-f4 #
1...nhnSb3*d4=bh+ 2.nhnRd3*d4=wh#
1...nhnSb3*c1=bh / nhnSb3-d2=bh 2.Qa2-d5 #
1...nhnRd3-d2=bh / nhnRd3-e3=bh 2.nhnSb3*d2=wh #
1...nhnRd3-f3=bh 2.g2*f3 #
1...g3*f2 2.nhnSg4*f2=wh #
1...nhnSg4-e3=bh 2.nhnRd3*e3=wh#
1...nhnSg4*f2=bh 2.Bh3-f5# (2.nhnRd3-e3+?)
1...g7-g5 2.nhnSg4-f6=wh #
1...Rc8-c5+ / Rc8*d8 2.nhnSb3*c5=wh #
Out of the two attempts to achieve the thematic record of this tourney, this one, with 3 thematic pieces, and thematic key-move, presents 10 thematic variations (including 1...nhS:d4 2.R:d4# in the set-play). No 24 uses 4 thematic pieces in 8 thematic variations, but the impression is marred by the schematic and completely symmetrical variations featuring 8 mutual captures. Naturally, even in No 23 the total number of variations is much more impressive than the quality of play. The key move is suggested by the unprovided strong move 1...hnS:f2=bS granting two flights.
EN <-> RU

1st Special Prize - No 8, Michel Caillaud & Jean-Marc Loustau (France) B7/3(b!q)p1pK/1B2p1N1/4P3/(b!q)1(b!p)5/2p1B1R1/2(b!p)Nkq1p/2R4N

*1...Qxe3 2.Rxe3#
*1...cxd2 2.QHNnxd2(w)#
1.Sf3! – 2.Sf4#
1...QHNnxc4(b) (A) 2.QSNnd3(w)# (B)
1...QHNnd3(b) (B) 2.QHNnxc2(w)# (C) (2...QHNbd2??)
1...QHNnxc2(b)# (C) 2.QHNnd1(w)# (D) (2...QHNbxd1??)
1...QHNnd1(b)# (D) 2.QHNnxc4(w)# (A) (2...QHNbd3??)
1...Qxe3 (or Qe1) 2.R(x)e1#
1...Qxf3 2.Bxf3#
1...Qxg3 2.Sxg3#
The same complex thematic combination as in No 7, surprisingly using only two half neutral Queens (and a couple of half neutral Pawns) to complete the cycle. This, together with the specific fairy effects in all 4 thematic mates makes it more unusual than No 7, but many technical pieces and side variations with orthodox effects reduce the impression.
EN <-> RU

2nd Special Prize - No 14, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) 8/8/3Pp2P/K2p4/N1(br)1k(b!b)1Q/2P1N3/2P3pP/3B4

*1...e5 2.nhBg5=w#
*1...hRxc3=n 2.nhBg3=w#
(*1...hRc5=n+ 2.Sxc5#)

1.Qf6! – 2.Qd4#
1...nhBe5=b 2.Qf3#
1...nhBxe3=b 2.Bf3#
1...e5 2.Qf5#
1...hRxc3=n 2.Sxc3#
1...hRc5=n+ 2.Sxc5#
Unusual and joyful thematic content, spread over set-play and solution to complete a half neutral Bishop star, after the thematic unpinning key. The thematic half neutral Bishop changes its roles in initial position (guard of e3 & e5), set-play (battery mates controlling e3 & e5) and solution (self-blocks of e3 & e5). It also allows a pair of changed mates and a pair of mates on the same square f3. Blemishes: plugs on d6, h2 and h6 to assure unique mates in the set-play.
EN <-> RU

The Honorable Mentions display pleasant combinations, delivering more thematic variations than the minimum 4 stipulated in the theme definition.
Почетные отзывы демонстрируют приятные сочетания с бо’льшим количеством тематических вариантов, чем 4 установленных в условии конкурса.

1st Honorable mention - No 6
Michel Caillaud
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

a3: Half-n. Queen (nhQ)
2nd Honorable mention - No 11
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

a6: Half-n. Queen (nhQ)
3rd Honorable mention - No 4
Miodrag Mladenović
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

d5: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
c6: Half-n. Rook (nhR)

1st Honorable mention - No 6, Michel Caillaud (France) 8/8/5PK1/3pp3/3Nk1p1/(b!q)4p2/2bQ4/4r3

*1...exd4 2.nQe7=wQ#
*1...g3 2.nQxf3=wQ#
1.Se6! – 2.Sg5#
1...nQe3=bQ (A) 2.Qxc2#
1...nQd3=bQ (B) 2.Qxe1#
1...Re3 2.nQxe3=wQ# (A)
1...Bd3 2.nQxd3=wQ# (B)
1...d4 2.nQa8=wQ#
A lovely Meredith in a perfect diagonal-orthogonal correspondence construction. The key by the initial en prise Sd4 is compensated by the existence of a (thematic!) set play after its capture. Very impressive activity of the thematic half neutral Queen, which delivers 5 different mates – the absolute record of the tournament.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 11, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) 2n3K1/3bpN1R/(b!q)5B1/r3P3/q5k1/1p3p1N/7P/rQ6

1.Rh5! – 2.Sh6#
1...nhQe6=b 2.Qf5#
1...nhQ6c4=b 2.Qe4#
1...nhQxg6=b+ 2.Qxg6#
1...Be6 2.nhQxe6=w#
1...Q4c4 2.nhQxc4=w#
1...f2 2.nhQe2=w#
1...Qf4 2.Sf2#
3+3 variations by the half neutral Queen, with nice mates after the specific interferences of the black Bishop and the black Rook by the thematic piece. The pairs of pinning defenses on two squares and 6 different moves by the thematic are nicely constructed.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 4, Miodrag Mladenović (Serbia) K5R1/1BB1p3/1N(b!r)5/3(b!n)4/5P2/4Pk2/Q4N2/2B3n1

1.Sh1! – 2.Qg2#
1...nRg6=bR 2.nSf6=wS#
1...nRc2=bR 2.nSc3=wS#
1...nSxe3=bS 2.nRc3=wR#
1...nSxf4=bS 2.nRf6=wR#
1...nSxb6+=bS 2.nRxb6=wR#
1...nSxc7+=bS 2.nRxc7=wR#
1...Ke4 2.Qxd5#
1...Se2 2.Qxd5#
The excellent flight-giving key, surprisingly moving the Knight in the corner is sadly spoilt by the ensuing totally symmetrical play. Yet this task rendering with 4+2 thematic variations by the half neutral Knight and 2+4 thematic variations by the half neutral Rook still has an overall charming appeal which can't be neglected, in spite of the seemingly orthodox play realized with fairy pieces.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 10
Petko Petkov
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

e4: Half-n. Pawn (nhP)
Commendation - No 16B
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

e3: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
f4: Half-n. Pawn (nhP)
Commendation - No 17
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

f7: Half-n. Pawn (nhP)

Commendation - No 10, Petko Petkov (Bulgaria) 8/4K3/n3b3/4Q2n/r3(b!p)3/2BPkP2/1N1N2R1/8

1.d4? – 2.Qxe4#
1...Bd5 2.nPxd5=wP#
1...Bf5 2.nPxf5=wP#
(1...Sg3(Sf6) 2.Qg5#, 1...Rxd4 2.Bxd4#)

1.Qh2! – 2.Re2#
1...nPxf3=bP 2.Sf1#
1...nPxd3=bP 2.Sd1#
(1...Sf4 2.Qg1#, 1...Sg3 2.Qh6#)
A rich problem, with a nice key destroying the set battery. The thematic piece is unable to move in the diagram position and becomes active only after the key moves. The thematic moves are split between two phases – a similar concept as in No 14, this time presenting a surprising half neutral Pawn star (without changed mates), with much less of fairy nuances.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 16B, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) n5r1/K3p3/b2P4/2B1NR2/4k(bp)1N/3p(b!n)2Q/4q3/2N1R2b

1.Sf7! – 2.Re5#
1...nhSg4=b 2.Qxh1#
1...nhSc4=b 2.Qxd3#
1...nhSxf5=b 2.Qxf5#
1...Qb2 2.nhSc2=w#
1...Qh5 2.nhSg4=w#
1...Rg5 2.Sxg5#
1...exd6 2.Sxd6#

1.Sd7? – 2.Re5#, 1...Rg5!
The play of the half neutral S creates an unusual combination of half-pin and half-battery, in a rather heavy construction. The quality of key is perhaps slightly reduced by the strong move capturing the half neutral piece in the set play, providing a flight (i.e. 1...f:e3).
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 17, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) r7/5(b!p)2/4k3/p1B5/B1K2Q2/8/8/8

1.Be8! – 2.f8=hS=w#
1...f5=b 2.Qd6#
1...f6=b 2.Qe4#
1...Rxe8 2.fxe8=hQ=w#
A lovely problem – the overall record of economy in the competition – with the minimal thematic force going up and down. Absolutely cute!
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 18
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

f7: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
g7: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
c8: Half-n. Bishop (nhB)
Commendation - No 19
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

g4: Half-n. Knight (nhS)
Commendation - No 20
Kjell Widlert
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

b5: Half-n. Knight (nhS)

Commendation - No 18, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) 2(b!b)5/5nR1/pBk1p3/2Pp4/K7/8/8/7Q

1.Qh8! – 2.Qxc8#
1...nhBd7=b 2.Qa8#
1...nhBb7=b 2.Qe8#
1...nhSxh8=b 2.nhBb7=w#
1...nhSd6=b! 2.nhBd7=w#
1...d4 2.Qh1#
The only problem showing the four required thematic mates by the half neutral Bishop in a single phase. Also a nice switchback mate and the (initially out of play) white Queen visiting three corners. All this content is possible thanks to the clever usage of the half neutral Sf7 and the thematic key played by the white Queen. However, hnRg7 is rather technical, as a white Rook would instantly lead to a cook.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 19, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) 4K3/6pQ/3PNp1p/1Np3P1/2k1B1(b!n)1/8/P2Br3/1Rb2r2

1.Sec7! – 2.Qg8#
1...nhSe3=b 2.Bd3#
1...nhSe5=b 2.Bd5# (2.Bd3+?)
1...Rxd2 2.nhSe3=w# (2.Bd3,Bd5+?)
1...fxg5 2.nhSe5=w#
1...Rf5 2.Rxc1#
1...Rxe4+ 2.Qxe4#

1.Sf4? – 2.Qg8#, 1...Bb2!
The thematic mates and defenses occur on the same pair of squares, with no captures in the real play. The key is thematic, but quite obvious, because of the out of play white Queen and the unprovided strong defense 1...Bb2.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 20, Kjell Widlert (Sweden) 5b2/3R3K/N1p1B3/1(b!n)2N3/4k3/r4p2/1Bp3P1/2Q5

1.Qg5! – 2.Bf5#
1...Bd6 2.nhSxd6=w#
1...Rc3 2.nhSxc3=w#
1...nhSd6=b 2.Sc5#
1...nhSc3=b 2.gxf3#
1...nhSd4=b 2.Rxd4#
The moves of half neutral Sb5 simultaneously close a white and a black line. From a strategic point of view, that's an interesting concept – pity this is not entirely pure. The extra variation doesn't actually hide that 1...hnSd4 is a very strong unprovided move. Also wSa6 and wPg2 were added as executors in one variation each.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 21
Hubert Gockel
TT-232, SuperProblem, 05-02-2020

f8: Half-n. Rook (nhR)
f7: Half-n. Pawn (nhP)
b1: Half-n. Bishop (nhB)

Commendation - No 21, Hubert Gockel (Germany) 5(b!r)2/5(b!p)1b/6kP/4Q3/8/8/8/1(bb)4KR

1.nhnRf8-e8=wh! zz
1...nhnPf7-f5=bh 2.Qe5-g7 #
1...nhnPf7-f6=bh 2.Qe5-h5 #
1...Bh7-g8 2.nhnPf7*g8=nhnQ=wh #
1...hnBb1-a2=nh 2.nhnPf7-f8=nhnS=wh #
1...Kg6*f7 2.Qe5-e6 #
Zugzwang with a good flight-giving key and a nice motivation for the black half neutral Bishop. A similar combination to No 17, with a nice flight-giving key and unusual 1...nhBba2 move. The neutral half neutral piece works actually as an orthodox white Rook.
EN <-> RU

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