Final Award in Quick Composing TT-242 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-242

Monochrome tempo play | Монохромная темпоигра

Theme | Тема

43 entries were received from 15 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 43 композиций от 15 авторов из 6 стран

EN <-> RU

The quality of received problems was rather high with many compositions worth being awarded with prizes. Therefore we decided to divide the award to two sections: miniatures (19) and other problems (24).

Some problems didn’t meet the required demand that two pieces of the same colour make tempos in the same solution. They were excluded from the award: No 1 – 11, No 12 (Kd2-Kf2), No 26A (Kg1-Ka3), No 27 (Kf8-Kh6), No 30 (Kh1-Ke6), No 32 (Kg1-Kc5), No 33 (Ka8-Kf5), No 35 (Kc5-Kd8).

Most of problems show white tempo moves and only few the black ones which didn’t exceed the quality of examples from the announcement.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

19 entries were received from 7 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 19 композиций от 7 авторов из 5 стран
1st Prize - No 41
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
2nd Prize - No 19
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
3rd Prize - No 37
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

1st Prize - No 41, Torsten Linß (Germany) 6K1/6p1/6qB/6r1/8/8/1k1b4/8

1...Kh8! (1...Kf8?) 2.Qe6 Kh7! 3.g6 Bf8! 4.Kc3 Kg7 5.Kd4 Bc5+! 6.Ke5 Kf8 7.Kf6 Be3! 8.Rf5 Bh6! 9.Bg5 Bg7#

1...Kh8 2.Qe6 ?? 3.g6 Kg7 4.Kc3 ?? 5.Kd4 ?? 6.Ke5 Kf8 7.Kf6 ?? 8.Rf5 ?? 9.Bg5 Bg7#
White King's loosing tempo manoeuvre and pure four-move white Bishop’s Rundlauf tempo manoeuvre. Perfect!
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 19, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 8/8/1q6/3b1k2/K7/1r1p4/B7/8

1...Bb1 2.Bf3 Bc2 3.Ke4 Bd1 4.d2 Be2! 5.Re3 Bd1! 6.Kd3 Ka3! 7.Qd4 Kb3 8.Be2 Bc2#

1...Bb1 2.Bf3 Bc2 3.Ke4 Bd1 4.d2 ?? 5.Re3 ?? 6.Kd3 ?? 7.Qd4+ Kb3 8.Be2 Bb1#
White King's tempo move and white Bishop’s tempo switchback incorporated in a zig-zag path. A nice detail is wB’s switchback to d1 and tempo play in the final stage of a solution. A very subtle composition.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 37, Torsten Linß (Germany) q7/B7/1K1k4/4p2r/8/8/8/8

1.e4 Ka6! 2.e3 Kb6! 3.e2 Ka6! 4.e1S Kb6! 5.Sd3 Ka6! 6.Sc5+ Kb5 7.Kc7 Bb6+ 8.Kb8 Bd8! 9.Sb7+ Kc6 10.Ra5 Kd7 11.Ra7 Bc7#

1.e4 ?? 2.e3 ?? 3.e2 ?? 4.e1S ?? 5.Sd3 ?? 6.Sc5+ Kb5 7.Kc7 Bb6+ 8.Kb8 ?? 9.Sb7+ Kc6 10.Ra5 Kd7 11.Ra7 Bc7#
White King's tempo pendulum and white Bishop’s tempo move in a pleasant helpmate-longmover. Very nice.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 40
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
1st-4th Honorable mention - No 16
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
1st-4th Honorable mention - No 36
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

4th Prize - No 40, Torsten Linß (Germany) 7r/3K4/1B4r1/n1q5/4k3/8/8/8

1...Bc7! 2.Ra8 Bd8 3.Kd5 Ke8 4.Kc6 Kf7! 5.Kb7 Ke8! 6.Kb8 Kd7 7.Sb7 Ba5! 8.Qa7 Bc7#

1...?? 2.Ra8 Bd8 3.Kd5 Ke8 4.Kc6 ?? 5.Kb7 ?? 6.Kb8 Kd7 7.Sb7 ?? 8.Qa7 Bc7#
White King's tempo switchback and two white Bishop’s tempo moves. A tempo move in W1 is artificial extension of a solution but a problem left a pleasant feeling.
EN <-> RU

All problems getting a honorable mention are of equal quality each presenting something specific which cannot be declared as better or worse to others. Therefore we decided to share places to all.
Все задачи, отмеченные почётным отзывом, приблизительного одинакового качества. Каждая из них представляет некую специфическую идею, и нельзя сказать, чтобы она была лучше или хуже других. Поэтому мы решили разделить отличия между этими задачами.

1st-4th Honorable mention - No 16, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 3r4/4K3/8/5q2/1p6/B1b5/3k4/8

1...Bb2! 2.Rc8 Ba3! 3.Bb2 Kd6! 4.Rc2 Ke7! 5.Kc3 Kd6 6.Qd3+ Kc5 7.b3 Bb4#

1...?? 2.Rc8 ?? 3.Bb2 Kd6 4.Rc2 ?? 5.Kc3 ?? 6.Qd3+ Kc5 7.b3 Bb4#
White Bishop’s and white King's tempo switchbacks. Good mutual dependence of play.
EN <-> RU

1st-4th Honorable mention - No 36, Torsten Linß (Germany) 8/2pq4/5k2/2r5/8/B7/8/1K6

1.Ke5 Bb4! 2.Kd4 Bxc5+ 3.Kc3 Bd6 4.c5 Kc1 5.c4 Kd1 6.Kb2 Kd2! 7.Ka1 Kc2 8.c3 Kb3 9.c2 Ba3 10.c1S+ Kc2 11.Sa2 Bb2#

1.Ke5 ?? 2.Kd4 Bxc5+ 3.Kc3 Bd6 4.c5 Kc1 5.c4 Kd1 6.Kb2 ?? 7.Ka1 Kc2 8.c3 Kb3 9.c2 Ba3 10.c1S+ Kc2 11.Sa2 Bb2#
White Bishop’s and white King's tempo moves in a longmover. Inversed wK-bP Klasinc-2 theme on c2.
EN <-> RU
1st-4th Honorable mention - No 38
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
1st-4th Honorable mention - No 39
Torsten Linß
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

1st-4th Honorable mention - No 38, Torsten Linß (Germany) 8/6kr/7p/8/8/6B1/7K/8

1.Rh8! Kh3 2.Kh7! Kg4 3.h5+ Kf5 4.Kh6 Kf6 5.Rh7! Bf4#

1.?? Kh3 2.?? Kg4 3.h5+ Kf5 4.Kh6 Kf6 5.?? Bf4#
A nice combination as black Rook’s tempo switchback enables black King’s tempo move. Klasinc-2 theme.
EN <-> RU

1st-4th Honorable mention - No 39, Torsten Linß (Germany) 8/8/8/8/1p6/2b1K3/8/B3kq2

1.b3 Ke4! 2.b2 Ke3! 3.b1B Bb2! 4.Bc2 Ba1! 5.Bd1 Bxc3#

1.b3 ?? 2.b2 ?? 3.b1B ?? 4.Bc2 ?? 5.Bd1 Bxc3#
Black Pawn and later promoted Bishop define the order of white Bishop’s and King’s switchback tempos.
EN <-> RU
24 entries were received from 13 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 24 композиций от 13 авторов из 6 стран
1st Prize - No 13
Anatoly Skripnik
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
2nd Prize - No 28B
Zlatko Mihajloski
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
3rd Prize - No 18
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

1st Prize - No 13, Anatoly Skripnik (Russia) 8/8/1n6/8/1rn5/1bk5/2r5/KB6

*1... ... 2.Sa3 Ba2! 3.Kc4 Bb1! 4.Rc3 Kb2! 5.Bc2+ Ka2! 6.Sa4 Ka1! 7.Kb3 Ba2#
1...Ba2! 2.Sa3 Bb1! 3.Kc4 Ba2! 4.Rc3 Bb1! 5.Bc2 Ka2! 6.Sa4 Ka1! 7.Kb3 Ba2#

1...?? 2.Sa3 ?? 3.Kc4 ?? 4.Rc3 ?? 5.Bc2+ ?? 6.Sa4 ?? 7.Kb3 Ba2#
Expanded and enriched Eugen Albert’s basic pattern pdb/P0522220. White King's and two white Bishop’s tempo switchbacks in two diagonal directions. Incorporated inversed manoeuvre within wB wK Klasinc-2 theme. Cyclic black K-R-B Platzwechsel is an extra supplement. A great composition!
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 28B, Zlatko Mihajloski (North Macedonia) 8/2p5/5k1p/5ppP/p7/P1r1p3/K1p5/B1b5

1.Ke7! (K~?) Bb2! 2.Rc6 Bh8 3.Rg6 hxg6 4.Bxa3 g7 5.Kf6 Ka1! 6.Be7 g8Q#

1.Ke7 ?? 2.Rc6 Bh8 3.Rg6 hxg6 4.Bxa3 g7 5.Kf6 ?? 6.Be7 g8Q#
White King's and white Bishop’s tempo moves in a combination with white Indian, bK-wB-bR Klasinc theme, and battery promotion mate.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 18, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 5rnK/8/1q2B3/3b2r1/5k2/8/8/8

1.Sh6+ Bg8 2.Kf5 Kh7! 3.Qg6+ Kh8! 4.Rf6 Bf7! 5.Qh5 Be6+! 6.Kg6 Bg8! 7.Bf7 Bh7#

1.Sh6+ Bg8 2.Kf5 ?? 3.Qg6+ ?? 4. Rf6 ?? 5.Qh5 ?? 6.Kg6 ?? 7.Bf7 Bh7#
Three-move white Bishop’s tempo manoeuvre in a form of double linear Rundlauf (from e6 and from g8), and white King's tempo switchback. Very attractive play with a nice model mate.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 24B
Vitaly Medintsev & Anatoly Skripnik
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 17
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 25
Menachem Witztum
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

4th Prize - No 24B, Vitaly Medintsev & Anatoly Skripnik (Russia) 6BK/5q2/4brkb/7n/8/8/8/8

1.Kf5 Bh7+! 2.Qg6 Bg8! 3.Qg5 Kh7! 4.Bf7 Kh8! 5.Kg6 Bh7#

1.Kf5 ?? 2.Qg6 ?? 3.Qg5 ?? 4.Bf7 ?? 5.Kg6 Bh7#
White King's and white Bishop’s tempo switchbacks in another use of Eugen Albert’s pattern. Extra content are inversed wB-wK Klasinc-2 theme and another bK-bQ Klasinc-2 theme.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 17, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 3b4/1q6/3n4/5p2/5k1N/4r3/8/Kb6

1...Sf3! 2.Re6 Sh4! 3.Be4 Ka2! 4.Qd5+ Kb2 5.Ke5 Kc3 6.Bf6 Sg6#

1...?? 2.Re6 ?? 3.Be4 ?? 4.Qd5 Kb2 5.Ke5 Kc3 6.Bf6 Sg6#
White King's tempo moves and white Knight’s tempo switchbacks with perfect economy in No 17 and with better play in No 25.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 25, Menachem Witztum (Israel) 3r2rn/1bp5/4pK2/1p6/8/5n1P/3b3P/2k1N3

1.Be4 Ke7! 2.Bg5+ Kxe6 3.Kd2 Sd3! 4.Ke3 Se1! 5.Kf4 Sg2#

1.Be4 ?? 2.Bg5+ Kxe6 3.Kd2 ?? 4.Ke3 ?? 5.Kf4 Sg2#
3rd Honorable mention - No 22B
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
4th Honorable mention - No 26B
Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
h#3.5b) wBd2(6+12)
Commendation - No 21
Borisas Gelpernas
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

3rd Honorable mention - No 22B, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 8/8/nK6/3k4/2b4b/6n1/5p1p/3r2Bq

1...Ka5 2.Kc5 Ka4! 3.Qc6+ Ka5! 4.h1B Bh2! 5.Rd6 Bg1! 6.Bhd5 Bxf2#

1...Ka5 2.Kc5 ?? 3.Qc6 ?? 4.h1B ?? 5.Rd6 ?? 6.Bd5 Bxf2#
White King's and white Bishop’s tempo switchbacks.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 26B, Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon (Israel) 8/5p2/p3pr2/P3p2q/p1p1P3/k1PpP1K1/p2N4/7b

a) diagram:
1...Sb3! 2.Rf1 Sd2! 3.Rb1 Kf2! 4.Rb3 Sxc4#

1...?? 2.Rf1 ?? 3.Rb1 ?? 4.Rb3 Sxc4#

b) wBd2:
1...Be1! 2.Bf3 Bd2! 3.Bd1 Kg2! 4.Bb3 Bc1#

1...?? 2.Bf3 ?? 3.Bd1 ?? 4.Bb3 Bc1#
White Knight’s (Bishop’s) tempo switchback and white King's tempo move.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 21, Borisas Gelpernas (Lithuania) K7/8/5r2/5p2/6pp/3b4/1r2p1p1/1q4kB

1...Ka7! 2.Kh2 Ka8! 3.g1B Bf3 4.h3 Bxg4 5.Kh1 Bh5! 6.h2 Bf3#

1...?? 2.Kh2 ?? 3.g1B Bf3 4.h3 Bxg4 5.Kh1 ?? 6.h2 Bf3#
White King's tempo switchback and white Bishop’s tempo move.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 23
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
Commendation - No 31
Misha Shapiro
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
Commendation - No 34
Aleksey Ivunin & Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-242, SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

Commendation - No 23, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 7r/3rp2q/8/5BK1/8/3P1kp1/6b1/8

1...Be6! 2.Qxd3 Bh3 3.Qe3+ Kg6! 4.Rd2 Kf5 5.Rf2 Bg4#

1...Bh3 2.Qxd3 ?? 3.Qe3+ Kf5 4.Rd2 ?? 5.Rf2 Bg4#
White Bishop’s and King's tempo moves.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 31, Misha Shapiro (Israel) 1bkn1rNr/1b1p4/3pp3/8/2n5/8/6p1/6K1

1...Sf6! 2.Rh5 Sf6-g8! (Sd5?) 3.Rh5-c5 Kh2! 4.R(h)c7 Se7#
1...Sh6! 2.Rf5 Sh6-g8!
(Sxf5?) 3.Rf5-c5 Kf2! 4.R(f)c7 Se7#

1...?? 2.Rf5 ?? 3.Rc5 ?? 4.Rc7 Sxe7#
1...?? 2.Rh5 ?? 3.Rc5 ?? 4.Rc7 Sxe7#
White Knight’s tempo switchback and white King's tempo move.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 34, Aleksey Ivunin & Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 8/8/8/8/6n1/3krpp1/5q1B/7K

1...Bg1! 2.Re2 Bh2! 3.Se3 Bg1! 4.Sf1 Bh2! 5.Qe1 Kg1! 6.Ke3 Kh1! 7.Kf2 Bg1#

1...?? 2.Re2 ?? 3.Se3 ?? 4.Sf1 ?? 5.Qe1 ?? 6.Ke3 ?? 7.Kf2 Bg1#
White King's and two white Bishop’s tempo switchbacks.
EN <-> RU
Dedicated to the participants
of TT-242
- Yuri Bilokin
SuperProblem, 16-07-2020
Dedicated to the participants
of TT-242
- A. Pankratyev, E. Gavryliv
SuperProblem, 16-07-2020

Dedicated to the participants of TT-242 - Yuri Bilokin (Ukraine) qB1b4/2p2p2/p1k5/P7/3K4/3b4/8/2r2r2

1.Bb5 Ke4! 2.Kc5+ Ke5 3.c6 Bc7! 4.Rc4 Bd6#

1.Bb5 Ke5 2.Rc4|Kc5 ?? 3.Kc5|Rc4 ?? 4.c6 Bd6#
1.Bb5 Ke5 2.Kc5 ?? 3.c6 Bc7 4.Rc4 Bd6#
1.Bb5 Ke5 2.Kc5 ?? 3.c6 ?? 4.Rc4 Bd6#
1.Bb5 Ke4 2.Rc4+|Kc5+ Ke5 3.Kc5|Rc4 ?? 4.c6 Bd6#
1.Bb5 Ke4 2.Kc5+ Ke5 3.c6 ?? 4.Rc4 Bd6#
1.Bb5 ?? 2.Rc4+ Ke5 3.Kc5 ?? 4.c6 Bd6#

Dedicated to the participants of TT-242 - Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv (Russia) 8/8/8/4p3/3pP1k1/2pP1ppb/6r1/2rnKBb1

1…Be2 2.Rh2 Bf1 3.Bg2 Be2 4.Bh1 Kf1 5.Kh3 Ke1 6.Kg2 Bf1#

1...Be2 2.Rh2 Bf1 3.Bg2 Be2 4.Bh1 ?? 5.Kh3 ?? 6.Kg2 Bf1#

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