Final Award in Quick Composing TT-244 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-244

Monochrome sacrifices | Монохромные жертвы

Theme | Тема

51 entries were received from 18 authors representing 11 countries | На конкурс поступило 51 композиций от 18 авторов из 11 стран

EN <-> RU

A sacrifice is always nice and often paradoxically, even in “help genres” (h#, h=, hs#, hs= and etc.) where Black has little or no resistance to White. But a presence of sacrifices itself, even its are many (no more than three, as in this TT), of course doesn't make position a problem yet – it is necessary to have something that unites these sacrifices and/or to have another ideas, motifs, themes that enrich a content and make a whole impression of the whole composition.
It was not for nothing that I gave two examples in contrast in the announcement. First of them, with 5 white sacrifices, also contains (in addition to its) another ideas: excelsior and underpromotions in the same officers that perform “the same” moves as the pieces that were previously stood on the promotion squares. In contrast to this, in second example there are no actually any additional content except thematic sacrifices.
And once more nuance. During a preparing the award, I analyzed many problems to see if it is possible to change thematic sacrificed officers by Pawns. If this could be done without compromising a from and a content then this was a violation of the principle of economy. Of course a best way to “justify” a using of officers (not Pawns) is to make several phases in which the same officers will be sacrificed on different squares (it is practically beyond the power of Pawns). But in one-phase-problems you also could try to reach such a "justification" via addition a choice of sacrificed officer (dual avoidance), as in both examples of the announcement.

I excluded the following problems among pretended on distinctions:
- No 12 (Ke1-Ke8) – bBf8 can be replaced by bPc6 (for example), and in this case there will be not three but two sacrifices of officers (not Pawns). But a concept of the problem is good in any case, so the author can send it for another tourney in the same form;
- No 13 (Kb1-Ka8) – the problem has two phases but solutions are symmetrical in almost everything, and –most importantly – both end with the same mate;
- No 15 (Kb1-Ka8) – synchronous “shifting obliquely” of Pawns after thematic sacrifices were meet in several problems in this TT. Nevertheless the sacrifice 4.Qb5 cxb5 is excess for the concept but, without this sacrifice, hs#4 with single solution doesn't look enough;
- No 33 (Kf1-Kh1) – the only problem with rundlauf in this TT. But rundlauf is not very good combines with the TT theme because rundlauf with captures looks worse than pure rundlauf (moreover, with pure rundlauf many problems were composed).

Moreover, after provisional award, unfortunately, I had to exclude No 46 initially marked by 1st Prize – due to many cooks, include even in 5 moves! For example: 1.Sf4(e5) Kb7 2.Sg6 Kc6 3.Rc3+ Kd5 4.Rg4 Rd7(c7,b7,a7) 5.Bxf7+ Rxf7#.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 29
Ivo Tominić
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#33 sol.(5+6)
2nd Prize - No 38
K. Seetharaman & Balasubramanian S. K.
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
3rd Prize - No 35
Balasubramanian S. K.
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#4b) Se2->e1(10+4)

1st Prize - No 29, Ivo Tominić (Croatia) 8/8/6pp/1p5Q/r5RK/r7/2k5/2NN4

1.Sd3 Kxd3 2.Rd4+ Kxd4 3.Qd5+ Kxd5#
1.Sc3 Kxc3 2.Rc4+ Kxc4 3.Qc5+ Kxc5#
1.Sb3 Kxb3 2.Rb4+ Kxb4 3.Qxb5+ Kxb5#
Despite the fact that this problem is an absolute leader in quantity of sacrifices (9!), it may seem sketchy to some. But have mercy: this very scheme still had to be found, even if everything ingenious is simple! I cannot but appreciate this amazing find, because it is the product of pure inspiration, that is, for which we are all doing composition...
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 38, Seetharaman Kalyan & Balasubramanian S. K. (India)7k/7p/5P2/8/4p3/2p1P1pP/pPPp1BP1/4QRRK

1.Qa1! cxb2 2.Rb1 (Rc1?) axb1B! (axb1S?) 3.Rc1 bxc1R+ (bxc1Q+?) 4.Be1 dxe1B 5.f7+ Bc3#
Here we see a very original idea. Nice key – White Queen imperceptibly prepares a battery that will shoot only on last move! But first for this White Rooks by Bristol and then White Bishop are sacrificed under three Black Pawns with its exact underpromotions – it is very complex and quite spectacularly!
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 35, Balasubramanian S. K. (India) 6R1/k1B5/P7/K2Q4/P1p4p/2P4P/4N1b1/5R2

a) diagram: 1.Bg3 (Sg3?) hxg3 2.Rf2 gxf2 3.Sg1 fxg1Q 4.Qc5+ Qxc5#
b) Se2->e1: 1.Qd3 (Sd3?) cxd3 2.Sc2 dxc2 3.Rb1 cxb1Q 4.Bb6+ Qxb6#
Here a complicated concept – cyclic reciprocal change of kinds of sacrificed White officers: in 2nd phase all the same officers are sacrificed that in 1st, but strictly in reverse order.
Three shortcomings prevented this problem from evaluating higher:
1) shifting of one thematic office for twinning;
2) technical Bishop g2. But great luck is that the author was managed to avoid a strongest dual g3-g2-g1Q via only one “unit”. After all, if instead of the Bishop there were a certain number of technical Pawns of both sides, the position would greatly lose in ease;
3) two Black thematic Pawns that play separately completely independently of each other and without functions permutation. If the Pawn were the only one, it would look much more solid and harmonious, but again it is not a fact that this can be achieved without much damage to the form.
EN <-> RU
Special Prize - No 24
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#6b) Bb3->g2(14+6)
1st Honorable mention - No 28
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
2nd Honorable mention - No 26
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020

Special Prize - No 24, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) 4k3/2PN1pB1/2P1pP2/4P3/Q4R2/pBp2p2/P1P2P2/5KN1

a) diagram: 1.Bd5 exd5 2.Rc4 dxc4 3.Qb3 cxb3 4.Sc5! (Bh6?) b2 5.Sd3 b1S 6.Se1 Sd2#
b) Bb3->g2: 1.Rf5 exf5 2.Qg4 fxg4 3.Bh3 gxh3 4.Bh6! (Sc5?) h2 5.Bd2 h1B 6.Be1 Bg2#

Of course I immediately remember my own hs#7 from last year’s World Cup (pdb/P1378233) because locations of White King and Pawns on 2nd and 3rd ranks and also final mates after underpromotions and blockings on e1 are coincide fully.
Also I remembered that initially I want to achieve two excelsiors of bPd7 after 4 thematic White sacrifices in each of solution. Thereat I didn’t achieve it due to many cooks, especially since new version of the program “Gustav” that allows to test orthodox hs# (more faster than Popeye) then did not appear yet. That’s why I prefer to go to mixed AUW with Pawn Zilahi – and as result that problem for World Cup appears.

But the author of this hs#6 didn’t give up on the idea of multiple White sacrifices, although decreases its quantity to three in each phase. On the one hand, it led to “lengthiness” of White officers’ routes to e1; but on the other hand, the author was managed to achieve precise permutation of its functions. But shifting of another thematic officer for twinning is quite serious shortcoming.
It is very difficult to overcome all the technical difficulties in composing a several-phases-problem hs#5-N – this confirmed by the fact that only two such problems were sent for this TT. That is why I say “Bravo” to the author for realization of complicated and large-scale idea!
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 28, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) n6k/2p3p1/2p1B1P1/2N5/2K5/2P1P1rr/n1PPP3/bb6

1...Sb4 2.cxb4 Bd4 3.exd4 Rb3 4.cxb3 Rc3+ 5.dxc3 Bd3+ 6.exd3 Sb6#
The best and the most powerful problem among several sent with an idea of synchronous “shifting obliquely” of several Pawns after thematic captures. It is pity that the author was not manage to add once more sacrifice Qb4-c4+ Kd3xc4 due to unavoidable cooks.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 26, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) k6B/Pp4Q1/1P6/5N2/1p3p2/pPp2Rp1/P1P1P1Pp/5N1K

1.Sd2 cxd2 2.Qa1 d1S 3.Bb2 axb2 4.Rc3 bxc3 5.Se3 fxe3 6.Qb1 Sf2#
Interesting idea: after obvious first sacrifice (for stalemate avoidance) White execute once more three in order to... immobilize a promoted Black Knight. Amusing idea!
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 6C
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
4th Honorable mention - No 27
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
1st Commendation - No 8
János Csák
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#52 sol.(4+10)

3rd Honorable mention - No 6C, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) kB6/pNP5/P7/1P1N1P1P/4QP1P/5K2/3R2B1/2R5

1.b6 (Sb6+?) axb6 2.Sc5 (Rc5?) bxc5 3.Qd4 (Rd4?) cxd4 4.Se3 dxe3 5.Rf2 exf2 6.Rg1! fxg1Q 7.Kg4+ Qxg2#
In this problem (and in some another that were sent by the same author for this TT) a destroying of ready White battery occurs. I will express an opinion that may seem controversial to many. I believe that in h#, hs# and other “help genres” (where the struggle of the sides is completely or almost completely absent) the destroying of the battery does not always carry a paradox and therefore is not always worthy of attention.
In particular, in this problem the half-battery Q+S+S looks absolutely unpromising, because in response to its possible check a Black Pawn will not be able (and a piece promoted from it – will not have time) to mate by capture on e4. Therefore, the destruction of this battery is essentially unremarkable.
But another hypothetical battery – King battery with Bg2 as rear piece – on the contrary, is very promising. Location of Pawns “f” and “h”: after battery check Kf3-g4+ promoted Qg1 will be force to capture a Bishop with mate – it can be seen immediately. And this unusual idea – destroying first ready battery for providing a shot of second battery, at that on the same line! – just allowed me to mark this composition quite highly.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 27, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) 7N/B2p1p2/p4N1R/k3P1Pp/P5R1/6Pb/4P2P/7K

1.Re4 Bf5 2.Sg4 hxg4 3.Re6 dxe6 4.Sg6 fxg6 5.Bg1 Bxe4#
This problem reminds No 26 by the same author, but here a Bishop (not Knight) is immobilized – “by star”. This made is very clear, in more economic position (in compare to No 26), but the concept itself is more simpler – that’s why the distinction is lower.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 8, János Csák (Hungary) 5n1k/5Rp1/2bn4/4p3/2Pq4/1ppP4/2p5/K7

1.Ra7! Be4 2.dxe4 Sf5 3.exf5 Sg6 4.fxg6 Qe4! (Qd5?) 5.Ra8+ Qxa8#
1.Rf1! Bd5 2.cxd5 Se6 3.fxe6 Sf7 4.exf7 Qd5!
(Qe4?) 5.Rh1+ Qxh1#
It would seem, given the powerful content (two-phase hs#5 with one White and three Black sacrifices in each phase), this problem should have received at least an honorable mention. But I was confused by the extremely high degree of symmetry, which the author managed to dilute only a little due to the asymmetrical arrangement of the Knights. This did not allow me to mark the problem higher.
It is worth highlighting the fact that in each phase the Black Bishop and Queen move sequentially to the same square: the Bishop – to sacrifice itself, and the Queen – to choose the exact square to ensure mate.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 3B
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
3rd-4th Commendation - No 7B
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#32 sol.(7+4)
3rd-4th Commendation - No 18
Mario Parrinello
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#3b) Kd3<->Pc3(6+6)

2nd Commendation - No 3B, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 3Q4/8/3R3R/7B/p3PB2/1b3K1k/8/N3N3

1.Rhe6! (Rhg6/Rhf6? Sac2? Rd1?) Bxe6 2.Sb3 axb3 3.Sc2 bxc2 4.Rd1 cxd1S 5.Bg4+ Bxg4#
A mate Bg4+ Bxg4# can be seen almost immediately, but for this mate the wRh6 must leave the file “h”. And since, as it turns out, it can only leave on e6, and the Black Bishop – here's a coincidence – must get there, and right away on the first move, the Rook must also go there with the key! These subtleties seemed to me quite interesting and sufficient to mark this problem.
EN <-> RU

3rd-4th Commendation - No 7B, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 5r2/8/8/8/3pN3/1R1Pp3/P1k1K3/Q2R4

1.Sd2 exd2 2.Qc1+ dxc1Q 3.Rd2+ Qxd2#
1.Sf2 exf2 2.Rg1 fxg1Q 3.Qd1+ Qxd1#
This and the next problems with three sacrifices of White officers are very similar: the sacrifice on the first move has like symmetry, but sacrifices of 2nd and 3rd moves have a permutation of functions of White officers.
Herewith this problem is implemented in the form of two solutions, and the next one – with twin, but rather elegant.
EN <-> RU

3rd-4th Commendation - No 18, Mario Parrinello (Italy) 8/pN1B3p/4R3/3k4/5p2/p1PKQ3/1r6/8

a) diagram: 1.Rg6 hxg6 2.Bf5 gxf5 3.Qe4+ fxe4#
b) Kd3<->Pc3: 1.Rb6 axb6 2.Sc5 bxc5 3.Qd4+ cxd4#
5th Commendation - No 51
Illo Krampis
TT-244, SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
hs#32 sol.(4+12)

5th Commendation - No 51, Illo Krampis (Latvia) 3n4/3B1n2/8/3K4/p3Q1p1/1pkpp3/1ppb4/4Rb2

1.Ra1 bxa1Q 2.Bxa4 Qxa4 3.Qd4+ Qxd4#
1.Rd1 cxd1Q 2.Bxg4 Qxg4 3.Qc4+ Qxc4#
As in two previous hs#3 with three sacrifices in each phase, in this problem also there is a “portion” of symmetry but there is no a permutation of functions of White officers – that’s why a distinction is lower.
But there is a permutation of functions of Black Pawns – and so it is asked for shift the White King to c5, trying to find the third phase with mate on b4. But it didn't work out for me.
EN <-> RU
Dedicated to the participants
of TT-244
Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 05-12-2020
Dedicated to the participants
of TT-244
B.Shorokhov, V.Medintsev, A.Oganesjan
SuperProblem, 06-12-2020

Dedicated to the participants of TT-244 - Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 8/1p6/1Q4P1/5P2/1P2KP2/7k/4N3/B3N3

1.Qf2 b6! (tempo) 2.Sc3 b5 3.Sa4 bxa4 4.Bh8!! (B~?, Ke5?) a3 5.Ke5 a2 6.Kf6 a1Q+ 7.Kg5 Qxh8 (Qxe1?) 8.Qh4+ Qxh4#
Three active sacrifices of white officers including anticipatory corner-to-corner hideaway of WB motivated by the need to vacate a1 field for BP in advance.
W-B FML-effects on b6 and a1. Slow black Excelsior. Black minimal. Meredith.
EN <-> RU

Dedicated to the participants of TT-244 - Boris Shorokhov, Vitaly Medintsev & Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia) 2k5/Kp5Q/1P1R4/1PP5/1P1P4/4P3/7N/4N1R1

1.c6! (Rc6?) bxc6 2.d5! (Rd5?) cxd5 3.e4! (Qe4?) dxe4 4.Shf3! (Sef3?) exf3 5.Sg2! (Rg2?) fxg2 6.Rh1! (Qh1?) gxh1Q 7.Qb7+! (b7+?) Qxb7#
Seven sacrifices (five officers and two Pawns) with seven dual avoidances.
“Linear rundlauf” – promoted Black Queen returns on initial square of Pawn.
wPb6 cannot be remove due to cooks
EN <-> RU

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