Final Award in Quick Composing TT-252 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-252

Many pieces – one square | Фигур много, поле одно

Theme | Тема

6 entries were received from 3 authors representing 3 countries | На конкурс поступило 6 композиций от 3 авторов из 3 стран

EN <-> RU

From TT Director I received six originals in anonymous form.

Since differentiation of thematic groups is important in the process of evaluation, some statements on that matter ought to be given. Group of two or three monochromatic pieces occupying (arriving to) a particular square will be called ‘pair’ and ‘triplet’, respectively. According to the Announcement the location of each group includes the elements: move ordinal and two or three lines of play determined by their ‘branching’ moves B1 (in the absence of subvariations!). So two groups, comprising same pieces but differing by at least one location element, are considered different. Verbatim repetition of thematic lines in other phases is motivated only by formal reasons (e.g. ‘enrichment’ of play) hence the groups so obtained can’t be treated as new ones. If the respective lines were changed at transfer, the resulting groups being placed in distinct phases would be considered different.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 1
Victor Volchek
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021
2nd-3rd Prize - No 2
Victor Volchek
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021
2nd-3rd Prize - No 5
Frank Richter
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021

1st Prize - No 1, Victor Volchek (Belarus) qn3N2/nQ5N/2r2B2/5k2/1p3p1R/4PKpr/4P1pb/7b

1.Qxb4? - 2.Qc5+ Rxc5+ 3.e4+ Qxe4# / 2.Qb1+ Rc2+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#
1...Rc4+ (a) 2.e4+ (A) Rxe4 3.Qxe4+ (C) Qxe4#
1...Re6+ (b) 2.Qe4+ (B) Rxe4 3.Rxf4+ (D) Rxf4#
[1...Sa6/Sd7 2.Qb1+ Rc2+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#]

1.Qe7! - 2.Qc5+ Rxc5+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#
1...Rc4+ (a) 2.Qe4+ (B) Rxe4 3.Rxf4+ (D) Rxf4#
1...Re6+ (b) 2.e4+ (A) Rxe4 3.Qxe4+ (C) Qxe4#
[1...fxe3 2.Rh5+ Rxh5 3.Qe6+ Rxe6#
1...Sa6/Sd7 2.Qd7+ Re6+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#]
In two main variations the proposed theme is blended impressively with reciprocal change between try and solution – not only the arrivals of white Queen and Pawn to e4 are inverted, but the moves W3 and B3 too. Thematic occupations appear also as W3 of both phases: e4+ in the common threat and Qe4+ in different variations. Provision for 1….fxe3 is surprisingly elegant.
EN <-> RU

2nd-3rd Prize - No 2, Victor Volchek (Belarus) 6Q1/B3N3/1p5R/b1P1k3/8/1p1PKpp1/2bP4/3q1r2

*1...Bxd3 2.Qg5+ Bf5 3.d4+ Qxd4#
*1...bxc5 2.Bb8+ Bc7 3.d4+ cxd4#
1.Qc4! - 2.Qc3+ Bxc3 3.d4+ Bxd4#
1...Bxd3 2.Qe4+ Bxe4 3.d4+ Qxd4#
1...bxc5 2.Bb8+ Bc7 3.Qd4+ cxd4#
The only example with thematic B3 is characterized by a massive clash of two sides at d4 through triplets. Their parts appear as pairs in two lines of the set-play – the white pair being located otherwise and the black one keeping the same location. As incomplete and irregular the change of the respective lines can’t help the black pair to increase the number of groups.
EN <-> RU

2nd-3rd Prize - No 5, Frank Richter (Germany) 3r4/8/8/1N6/2p1bR1r/2Nk1p1p/3p1Q2/2nK4

1.Sd5! – 2.Qf1+ Se2 3.Qxe2+ fxe2#
1...Bxd5 2.Rd4+ Rxd4 3.Qxf3+ Bxf3#
1...Rxd5 2.Qd4+ Rxd4 3.Rxf3+ Bxf3#
An astonishing sequence of four alternating black and white pairs on three squares is achieved in a light position.
EN <-> RU
Honorable mention - No 3
Victor Volchek
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021
1st Commendation - No 4
Victor Volchek
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021
2nd Commendation - No 6
Zoltan Labai
TT-252, SuperProblem, 26-03-2021

Honorable mention - No 3, Victor Volchek (Belarus) 8/4pN1R/1Q3bp1/5k1P/7R/1B1Np2K/4p1rp/4Bbrq

*1...Bg5 2.Sh6+ Bxh6 3.Qxg6+ Rxg6#
*1...gxh5 2.R7xh5+ Kg6 3.Rg5+ Rxg5#
*1...e5 2.Sd6+ Kg5 3.Rg4+ Rxg4#

1.Sc5(b4,c1,b2)? Bg5!

1.Sde5! zz
1...Bxh4 2.Qe6+ Kf4 3.Qg4+ Rxg4#
1...Bg5 2.Be6+ Kf6 3.Sg4+ Rxg4#
1...e6 2.Sd6+ Kg5 3.Rg4+ Rxg4#
1...g5 2.Sh6+ Kxe5 3.Bg3+ Rxg3#
1...gxh5 2.R7xh5+ Bg5 3.Rxg5+ Rxg5#
[1...Bxe5/Bh8/Bg7 2.Qxg6+ Rxg6#]
One changed variation, cross-flights of the bK and four different battery mates may be pointed out in the post-key play. Author claims one white pair (e6) and triplet (g4), but has curiously overlooked two black pairs on g5 (moves B1 and B2)! The number of groups so is respectable, but these are randomly scattered, by contrast with the prize-winners.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 4, Victor Volchek (Belarus) 2b5/1p6/4r3/3R2Q1/7P/2NN1kbK/3P3p/6Rr

*1...Re~ 2.Qg4+ Bxg4#
*1...Re4(g6)+ 2.Qg4+ Rxg4 3.Rxg3+ Rxg3#

1.Re5! - 2.Re3+ Rxe3+ 3.Qg4+ Bxg4#
1...Rg6+ 2.Qg4+ Rxg4 3.Rxg3+ Rxg3#
1...Bg~ 2.Qg3+ Bxg3 3.Re3+ Rxe3#
1...Bxe5 2.Rg3+ Bxg3 3.Qe3+ Rxe3#
Two variations with white sacrifices on g3 and e3 are initiated by the black Bishop’s random and corrective move, respectively.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 6, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 8/1PPPP3/1PK1k1NN/r1R1P1pb/Qbp3p1/1nr5/B7/8

1.d8B! – 2.Sf4+ gxf4 3.e8Q(R)+ Bxe8#
1...Sxc5 2.Bxc4+ Rxc4 3.c8Q(B)+ Sd7#
1...Bxc5 2.Qxc4+ Rxc4 3.e8Q(R)+ Be7#
Black batteries are built on thematic squares but activated unfortunately by dualistic promotions.
EN <-> RU

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